Thank You / Q & A

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Thank you so much for reading and supporting The Spare! This story was a bit of an experiment for me, and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read, vote, and comment. Your initial reactions have been extremely helpful and encouraging, so I thought I'd reach out directly and ask a few more questions as I consider revising/expanding the story. Please feel free to answer as many or as little as you like. I truly appreciate your feedback!  Thanks again :)

1) What did you like about the story?

2) Was there anything you'd like to see more of (certain scenes, characters)?

3) Did you have any favorite quotes or scenes from the story?

4) Were you ever bored? Confused? If so, where?

5) How did you feel about the pacing? Too fast, too slow, or just right?

6) Do you feel satisfied by the story's length/ending, or would you like see it expanded?

7) If expanded, would you rather read a prequel or sequel story?

8) Would you be interested in seeing other perspectives in this world? (Such as a story from a synthetic point of view?) Or would you like to keep following Max?

9) If this were a movie, whom would you like to see in the cast?

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