⋆☆ Fixing the breakup ☆⋆

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- Timothée Chalamet

Timothée watched as everyone around him walked with alcohol in their hands and prompted pointless conversations with one another

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Timothée watched as everyone around him walked with alcohol in their hands and prompted pointless conversations with one another. Occasionally he'd get sucked into one and force himself to sound like he was interested in what anyone had to say. Many of the people at the party were only there to boost their ego or act like they cared.

As much as he could have complained about many of the fake people he also knew that he was the one who chose to attend yet again another typical LA party searching for something he didn't know of.

The old him would have come just to find a girl to hook up with and temporarily forget about the girl who was always on his mind. But by now he'd already gotten used to the idea that she wasn't coming back, after almost 6 months he knew there was no point. Hooking up was no longer something he was searching to do.

Every girl he talked to was either drunk or eager to take him somewhere else other than the party, they had no means in hearing what he had to talk about. They were more interested in talking about their recent plastic surgery or photoshoot. He'd never felt more exhausted to listen to people talk.

So he headed to the bar and ordered another drink in hopes that it would make everything go by faster and maybe find someone worthy enough to have a normal conversation with. Just to his luck someone tapped on his shoulder causing him to turn around and notice a familiar face. Steve Carell.

"Well look who it is" Steve said as the two briefly hugged and shook hands not having seen each other in a while. Timothee had been focused on his acting a lot more recently to try and get his mind back to normal, so much that he'd forgotten to check up on some of his friends.

"Hey man, what's up. I didn't know you were gonna be here" Timothée said as the two sat on the stools in front of the bar. Steve nodded in agreement knowing he definitely wasn't expecting to see Timothée here "I could say the same for you. I haven't seen you out very much. You been busy?" Steve asked, wondering why he hadn't seen Timothée in so long.

"Yeah I've actually been working on a few movies, trying my best to keep busy. This year has certainly been sucky but it's been a lot easier now that I have less time to sit and sulk about everything I've done wrong."

"Of course sometimes you just need to preoccupy yourself. I've heard a few stories about you and a new girl, how's that going?" Steve acknowledged although he knew they were only rumors. He wondered if his co-star had moved on from his last relationship.

Timothée chuckled slightly, the idea of getting into another relationship sounded far from reality "ha no just the occasional hookups nothing serious though. Not sure I'm ready to do that with someone again" Timothee explained knowing he wasn't ever really a relationship person only when it came to the one particular girl that caught him head over heels.

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