Chapter One

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~ Four Years Later ~

Chapter One

< Anthony >

"When is this meeting going to be held and where?" I ask while tapping my pen on the table and staring up at my father.

We are having a private meeting with a few other business associates about another potential partner. I am finally able to actually sit in on one and state my opinion. Over the past four years my life has been good, but I am not as happy as I thought I would be. I graduated college, became a part of my father's business, and got engaged to Veronica, but I am still not happy. At first I tried to ignore the real fact on why I am not happy, but as time progresses I couldn't ignore it any longer. I know the reason why I am not happy and that is because I haven't heard from or seen Kim or my son. Yes, I know and accept the fact that Royal is my son, and it hurts me to the core that I let my mom run them away, and Veronica harm them. I can just beat myself for letting that happen. After the incident with Kim four years ago at the restaurant after our graduation ceremony, I haven't heard from her or seen her and it is taking a negative effect on me. I miss my son and I miss Kim dearly. They are everything to me and I can't believe I let them slip through my fingertips. I know Royal is four now and probably does not know anything about me being his dad. Kim probably moved on and married someone that makes her happy.

I sigh and turn my attention back to my father. I can't think about Kim and Royal right now, it will ruin my mood and I will be pissed all day. I need to focus on work.

"It's going to be held at his company. We are not sure about the time or day yet. It is up to him. He was saying something about having a luncheon at the office. Again, I am not sure, but once I find out all the information I will let you guys know. Anthony, you will be going to this meeting and leading it. I need to start training you so you can take over when I retire." My father states looking directly at me. I nod my head indicating that I understand. "But first, you need to get married. When is the wedding?" I shrug my shoulders and stand. Everyone else follows my lead, as they leave out knowing that the meeting is over.

"I have no idea. Veronica is planning the whole thing with mom and knowing those two they will want it to be perfect and over the top." I explain gathering my folder with the minutes from the meeting in it.

"Well, it needs to be soon. I want to retire soon and one of your requirements before you take over is to be married."

I inhale deeply not wanting to have this conversation. Honestly, I don't want to marry Veronica. I never really did. I keep pushing the wedding back because I don't want to marry her, but I know in order for me to get the company I need to marry her. I don't see why they want me with her anyway. They know she isn't after nothing but our money and doesn't do anything for herself. She doesn't even wash clothes. I would love a wife who will give me children, wash our clothes, and cook me a home cooked meal. I can't get that out of Veronica. She doesn't want to ruin her figure with kids, she doesn't like kids, she doesn't want to take care of kids, she can't cook to save her life, she doesn't want to get dirty while cleaning, and she doesn't want to wash clothes. I just want some normalcy in my life, but I will never get that. That's why I loved being with Kim. She did everything a wife was supposed to do and she had my kid. She isn't selfish, and she doesn't just think about herself. Veronica does and I don't want to live the rest of my life unhappy because I married her for this company. Sometimes I wonder if the company and money is even worth being stuck with Veronica my whole life.

"Dad, why do I have to marry her in order to take over the company? Why can't you just give it to me and let me decide on who I want to marry? Veronica isn't the marrying type at all." I ask somewhat begging him to release me from this bind I am in.

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