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Soo true, Oh my god, the definition of my life, you see i have an elder brother and my family is just like "OMG HE IS SO AMAZING" 

And i'm just like "Hello, I am supposed to be part of this family"

and my family is just like "Look it's the anti social of the family, the weird girl who loves Anime, Mangas and Yaoi"

The only times they notice me is for yell at me to go outside and made friends or just because idk.

I mean it's not my fault if i'm anti social i just don't like people i want to be alone not lonely please. In fact i have no reason to be alive but you know what because of anime and manga i'm here so people may think it's for children and all, but it's really make me feel good and forget the pain of this bullshit called life.

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