After Math Introduction

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The aftermath of WW III is tremendous, politically and society. Countries  falls, people are corrupted and manners is extinct. In this period of time everything has changed dramatically. Maryliea was the most powerful continent in that world, holding everything from trops, money, fuel, and economy. It was the center of the whole world. Unfortunately, the economy at that time was miserable, and countries has fallen into the mud due to inflation and weak economy. Therefore, many big countries started to be unstable, and chaos came after that. And the great WW III happened.

The war was dark, and harmful. Million if not billion of people, innocent people died. Countries disappeared, and regimes fell. There was no pace, no safe place, and no kindness to share. Everyone fought for their own sake. None were helping each other, and only fight for their life. The war stood for 10 years since 2016, which will make it 2026 is the year of this story.

In 2026, the war finally declared ended when there was no one is fighting no more. Moreover, It is the year that many small countries raised and lift Marylia to be an independent country. In the east said there was one country, called The Independers. They were the most known countries in that area, alongwith the North east countries such as The northmen.

The situation was the same for almost five years when the story of Max, and the others started to accrue. The Independers was rolled by Michael and also known as The one eyed man. In his time Independers were in pace for a while, as they have most the needed resources to live. They had water clear water, food, petrol, and army. Furthermore, they were at their best, they developed a new economy to have more power. They exchange their goods with troops and army.

The reason why Michael wanted to trade their recurrence with an army is to have more power to control the other countries and join together. This idea was not pleasant for WG, which is what left of Maryliea's government, and they saw it as a threat, especially after they heard that Independers have nuclear heads. So WG acted for their own sake, and sent spies all over Indepenedrs. And the most known one is agent Smith.

What agent smith did is a disaster for Michael, because WG wanted from agent smith to start a revolution to create their own couture by convincing people to join them. Moreover, Smith did that with a help from WG and some other rebels that were against Michael's regime. Therefore, some people indeed joined him to rolle alone as the free men without borders, not  men of the past. And because of that another war happened.

Tri-battle is what people called it, because three sides acted in it. Michael's men, Smith's men, and MWB, which stand for men without borders. All of them acted with force immediately, so they can control faster. It was a great war, it stood for one year until the Independents is no longer existed. The resulted of that battle is the creation of three other independent countries, Freedom, Ravens, and EG (East government).

Each country were rolled by one man, Freedom for Michael, Ravens for Andro, and finally EG for agent Smith. They all have triple with each other, and not trusting each other. Ecaptily the betrayal of Demon face, the other name for Andro, of the Independers.

The story gets more interesting after those events, and even crazier than usual. A lot of people will change, a lot of people will corrupt, and a lot of people will revenge. humans are very interesting and hard to predict. And in this world every single one of them has their own goals and beliefs. Everyone have their reasons that they think they did the right thing. However, it is unaccepted by the others vision, as they think the others are wrong and evil, and the same thing goes for both sides. This story will show everyone how to judge people, by living their lives and feel what they want.     


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