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Well i'm not the sweetest thing you have ever seen, and i'm not the meanest.

Sometimes people dub me as cute or adorable!

That's not what I want to be!

I want to make a mark!

I want to sing to the whole world!

Yes! I know I'm not the prettiest!

But heres the thing!

I dont want to be like all those cookie cutter girls!

I wanna shout potatos in the middle of the street!

I want to go up to a random person and screem in there face!

I will be crazy! 

You cant stop me!

I will keep loving the victorian era!

I will love gothic lolita fashion!

 I will dye my hair crazy colors!

Well what i really mean to say is . . .

Dont stop me from being crazy, loud, or weird!

I am me!

The ''popular'' people put things in my head to make me a robot like them!

I will not follow you're LIES is what I'm trying to say! 

So there!

LIES is what you would generally feed some one to make them believe you!

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