Fro-yo with the DQ??? (DRAMA QUEEN)

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*Sophia P.O.V.*

"Okay Sophia, make sure you smile and be nice to everyone. Oh, and maybe you will find some new friends that you can 'Hang-out', with." My sister Bridget, was the nicest person I know, which is why even though she usually annoyed the shiz out of me with all her 'Team-Inspire' quotes and what not, but I just cant get mad at her, like EVER! Some times, I really think the she should just go out with Drew, but apparently, she's in 'Love', with some guy named Josh. "Oh and Sophie, dont forget you can, 'Change the world, one mind at a time, because you are a part of the future'". See what I mean?

"Sure thing Bri, but I gotta go in before I'm late."
"K, Bye!"

I had just finished customer service training for a popular Fro-yo shop. I set up some of the tables, chairs umbrellas, and wiped up the counter. I flipped over the card on the front door to OPEN.

As welcome bell rings, and I got ready for my first customer.....

"Hey Keats, what are you doing here?" I asked my best friend. When I had told people about my new job, they all flipped and promised that it would be our new meeting place so I wouldnt get bored working by myself.

"I'm supposed to meet Lily here, but I guess I came early so I can just talk to my bestest friend EVER!!", he said wrapping his arms across the cash register I had been cleaning to give me a hug.

I heard a tapping on the window as a HUGE group of papparrazi cameras hit the glass of the window, I still wasnt used to the fact that Keaton was famous. After all, he was my best friend since we were toddlers. He was my first kiss, if you could even call it that. Things haven't been the same since him and the boys auditioned for the X-Factor, and totally KILLED it.

"Well, anyway, WHO did you say she was again?", wondering why exactly the PAPARRAZI  were here... But I knew that they wouldnt come in, my cousin had a strict NO PAPARRAZI rule, and shes pretty scary when she gets mad...

"Dammit... I told Jade to keep it low-key...",  I was surprised because Keaton usually didn't cuss. Then again, he wasn't his usual self.  It seemed like every girl he wanted to go out with, only liked him because he was famous, and I think that was really getting to him. 

"Maybe she doesn't really like me for me", he said looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.

I had to laugh, "Keaton, you are like the cutest thing", I said batting my eyes, "If she doesn't like you for your beautiful self, just know that I do".  Winking at him one eye at a time, switching eyes to the beat of the background music of the fro-yo parlour, that I recognized to be 'Call Me Maybe', by Carly Rae Jepson.  We cracked up, "What time is she supposed to meet us? " I asked. (I said us, because our friends had a tradition, where we would bring our date to the rest of our friends to 'inspect'. I was the one who usually got to meet the dates first, because sometimes the rest of our friends can be immature and intimidating. )Keat checked at his watch, "15 mins ago", he sighed. My face dropped, I couldnt stand seeing Keaton look so disappointed. I didnt even notice that the parlour had gotten to be so quiet, until Keatons phone vibrated, startling us both.

Keaton goes on his phone, and starts texting someone, so I just started wiping the tables and testing the fro-yo machines to make sure everything was coming out smoothly.

   Just then, the front door was shoved open by a small hand, and a petite girl with straight black hair and brown eyes walked in, Chanel sunnies, Kate Spade dress and shoes and a face sooo caked with makeup, that you could probably see flaking off if she was smiling.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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