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"April you will be fine"
"Easy for you to say, you've already passed college!" I was furious. I hate school. Why does it exist? Nobody knows. Ever kid doesn't go to school so why do I have to?
"Ugh fine"
I really did want to go so I purposely told him
"I'm sick dad take me ho-"
"No your gonna walk in that school and be great now go!"
Dang you loud for no reason at all. What the hell did I do?!?
I stepped out the car and stormed in the school while putting up my middle finger. I hated him. Went to my locker on level 3 and put my stuff away. "Three six five two zero eighteen-" I said before I was cut off. "Need help gorgeous?" Someone said. I looked up and saw a cute boy staring at me. No thanks not interested. "No thank you , but those girls over there do." I said trying to make him go away as he gave me a smirk. "Nah there good they got it" He said " but you may need some help."
"Not interested buddy so back off"I said to make sure he wasn't hitting on me. I tried to walk over but he pulled me back. This is why I hated school. " I came here to get an education not to fool around with you." I said as I shoved I'm off me. "But little darling what about this?" He said pulling out a slip. I read it and it said.
Kaleb Kenning has to be the buddy of April Haywood due to lack of studying. I thought this would be a splendid way to help you. With a buddy she arrives may 8 - Clara Johnson.
"Fuck my life Jesus" I said. Trying to make sure I read every word correctly.

" I know right?" He said " maybe we can talk to the principal you know tell her you don't like this-" he said but I cut him off.
"As long as I make your life miserable this is fine." I said making my way to the office. "Bye bye" I shouted going down to class. This year was going to be fun 😏

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