Author's notes

704 11 0

Yes the whole Damned story has over 400k words (precisely 410120 according to AO3 ) if I count the sidefics/codas as well. So if you read it all, you're really cool and I'm very grateful.

I think I just committed the worst crime. Let me explain. As you might have noticed, this fic has two parts instead of the one advertised.

Some of the first part and the whole second part I wrote after finishing Damned If I Do and continued simultaneously with Damned If I Don't. But then I thought Matt's getting out of character in the last bit, so I made a slight change. But I'm also an idiot and I wanted to share both versions.

So. If you want the original and extremely fluffy version with Terri and few other people involved, you reach the words Instead of passing over her rooftop (bold) of chapter one, and you better stop reading and go to the second part – Operation: Lilith. Basically Coffee Shop AU. Also, you will be less mentally scarred.

If you want Matt's POV – which might be more in character – you just continue. It's my canon. Kinda.

Or, you know, you can read both. Kill me...

Cups *Damned coda*Matt Murdock*Where stories live. Discover now