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Nick interviewer

It's amazing to have you both here. Let's talk about your relationship are you two friend or are you both dating? I have heard rumors that you are but I've also see the post you guys have drop over the past weeks.

Thanks for having us and well we actually have talk about everything that has been going on. I don't really know what to tell you about are relationship.

Amazing to be here and about are relationship we have been dating for a couple months now. The reason we haven't said anything is because I have been going through a lot you know having amazing plans for my fans but have them a push a side since my father past away a few days ago.

I'm sorry for you lost. I hope everything is much better. It's amazing how you two have been dating for the longest time with out is know. The thing I love the most of your relationship is that Harry was there for you no matter what.

Of course I could have left her all alone with everything that was being throne at her at once. I'm glad to have been able to be with her. It wouldn't have matter to me if we were just friend or dating she know I'm here for her no matter what.

You know I think that the reason I love him the most. He seem to always get to me no matter what. I'm so happy and glad I hat Harry but not only him my friend be there for me in the worst moments of my life. All I can say now is that I'm feeling much better. And I understand that my dad is gone he is in a better place. He will always have a place in my heart no matter what.

You are right on that. How has it been dating Mr. Harry Styles? I heard he looks at you with heart eyes.

It has been a lot of fun. It's amazing how we get along so well. It sometimes still surprise me when he knows something is up with me or I'm just in a bad mood.

Is there something you would like to change of him?

I would not. Their is somethings that he does that frustrate me but I wouldn't change them. If I did he wouldn't be Harry Styles would he?

And you Harry something you would change about Vanessa?

Her attitude. I'm playing, no theirs nothing in this world that I would change about her. She's just an amazing person that I love.

(Both of them look at each other and smile)

You two are such a cute couple. Let's talk about your friends. You two seem too have some friend in common. Who do you get along with the best?

We both have different people we get along with. I would say I definitely get along with Ashley. She always seems to be over protective and cares a lot of Nessa. I guess you can say we get along since we want the best for her.

Did you pay him to say that Vanessa?

(Both Vanessa and Harry laugh at his sarcasm)

Nope this is all him. I have nothing to do with it. I would say the person I get along with is Louis. He's like an older brother to me one that I have never had. Even if he says we're bestfriend.

Let me tell you this when both of them hang out it's so complicated getting both to separate. They just love spending time together mostly since you know their both childish. But at times they can both be mature.

Oh so I'm the childish let's talk about that time you wanted me to tickle you tummy? Huh? What about that Mr. Styles.

Oh wow Harry. Never though I would hear that.

That is something I don't talk about.

(Vanessa and Nick laugh at Harry.)

Alright on a serious note you two get along very well. You are also such an amazing couple. Harry you definitely one of the amazing boyfriend anyone could ever want. Vanessa love you girl. You are such a beautiful girl that gone through a lot. And now a day your stronger than ever. It was nice having both of you here. I hope I get to see you two again.

I hope so two this was actually fun. You know making fun of Harry.

I didn't enjoy that all. But it was nice seeing you again.

With that note Vanessa Hudgens and Harry Styles.

With that note Vanessa Hudgens and Harry Styles

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