Ch.1 Meeting A New Friend

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I don't know how long I'd been running. It's been three months seen I left home and have been stranded in the middle of nowhere, scrounging up scraps of food that I have found scattered on the ground. I couldn't take it anymore; I got up and ran straight. I made no stops whatsoever. I was now deeper into the woods. With each stride, a new wave of pain shot up through my entire body, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold up much longer. I was sobbing; tears running down my cheeks causing my vision to blur. Just then, I felt a rope wrap around my ankle. I was pulled up into the air and left there dangling; blood rushing straight to my head. My vision had not yet cleared up, but I was sure that I had not been dreaming when I saw a dark figure approach me. I reached deep inside of my being, searching for a voice to call for help, but nothing came out. I saw him walk to the base of the tree that I was hanging from. He swiftly untied the rope and I fell to the ground. My body ached and I let out a small moan. I coughed and shifted my body so that I was laying on my side, I tried to scramble to my feet, but failed at my attempt and let myself fall to the ground with my back flat on the dirt. Suddenly I felt large arms slide beneath me and scoop me up. He breathed heavily, while my breaths came out short. I felt his warmth radiate form him and to me, before I knew it, I was snuggling up close to him. I breathed in his scent, he smelt of ash, as if he had just lit a fire before coming to me. After what seemed like a lifetime, my savior stopped walking and I felt him loosen his grip that had become strong on me, and he laid me down. Instantly, I began to miss his warmth and his scent. I wasn't disappointed because pretty soon he was back. He curled up next to me and enveloped me once again in his arms. I was exhausted from running, so it didn't take long for me to drift off into a deep sleep; almost forgetting what had happened earlier that day that was the reason I had been running...Almost.

I woke up the next morning, and was scared, not knowing where I was, thenI saw the figure from last night. I took in my surroundings and memories from last night flooded back. Now that my vision was back to normal, I could fully study the mystery man. In fact, he was not a grown man, but a young guy, around my age. He had a chiseled figure, broad jawline, messy jet black hair; nice tan coloring covered his figure. He was quite buff, telling from his muscles and broad shoulders. Altogether he stood a good 6 feet. "Mystery man" had gentle, warm, blue eyes...that were now staring straight into my own green eyes.

"How are you?" He questioned.

I wanted to answer, but once again I was at loss for words.

"My name is Aiden." he continued. "What's your name? Where did you come from? What were you doing in the woods? What did you-"

I cut him off," Please stop talking!" Where I found the voice was unknown to me, but it probably had to do with the fact that this guy, whom may I add I just met, was irritating me.

He pushed my previous order aside, and continued to speak. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to know who you are and what business you have doing here." He brought his hand up to my face and studied me; paying extra close attention to my lips. I instantly felt warmth begin to radiate through me again. I was lost in a trance, but quickly came to and smacked his hand off. At this point I was ready to get up and walk away, leaving Aiden behind. I picked myself up, off the ground and was only 2 steps away from him, when I feel his hand grab hold of me and pull back to him. My face was mere inches away from his, and I could feel his hot breath of my lips. He caught me staring, and smirked to himself, another thing I found annoying about him. He leaned in, and it took every ounce of my strength to not lean in, instead pushed him away. He found this hilarious, and before I had time to register what had just happened, he pulled me back to him and pecked me on the lips. To say that I hated the kiss would be a lie, but at the moment everything felt so wrong.

"What do you think you're doing!"? I spat at him.

"Nothing you didn't want me to do." he smirked.

"Who said I wa-wanted it? I stuttered. Damn.

He was not convinced. "I saw the way you were staring at my lips." A devilish grin was plastered onto his gorgeous face.

"I was not!" my voice broke, now he wouldn't believe me. Who am I kidding? I loved everything about the kiss. It was quick, but held such power. It was soft and gentle.

"So I shouldn't do it again?" he smiled cheekily.

"Yes-No." I bit my lip.

"So which is it going to be? He stepped closer.

His arms wrapped around my waist, causing my heart to start racing.

"Yes, you should do it again." I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his lips to mine. I ran my hands up his neck, and tugged gently at his hair. He was hesitant, but quickly got into the kiss. Something came over me and I stopped thinking. I stopped worrying about my past and what had caused me so much pain. I pulled on his hair harder, and then pulled him in, deepening the kiss. His hands began going up and down my back. His tongue begged for entrance, and I didn't hesitate in letting it in. The kiss was something I hadn't experienced before. For once everything seemed perfect.

When we finally broke away, he held me. His eyes burning holes through mine. I saw his lips turn up at the corners, and very slowly make their way into a huge smile, showing his perfect teeth. I smile crept onto my face as well.

"So are you going to answer my questions now?"

I nodded.

"Great. What's your name?

"Lennox. Lennox Reed."

"Where did you come from?" His hands were holding onto my waist and he began to massage small circles with his thumbs at my sides.

"You know I can't think while you're doing that." I said, smiling just a bit.

"Doing what? He asked in an innocent little voice, which was ironic, seeing as how what he was doing wasn't so innocent.

"What am I doing?! I just met you, I don't even know you." I shouted at him, finally realizing what I was doing. I pushed him away from me and made a dash for the door, it seemed as if that was all I could do: Run away from my problems when they got too tough. I was just a few yards away from the small camp that Aiden had fixed up, when I felt a hand grab hold of my arm.

"Running away again?" he asked in a kind and gentle voice. His eyes were staring into mine again and I had to look away, knowing if i looked into them, I would just run back into the safety of his arms.

He tilted my face up, forcing me to look into his eyes. "I'm here for you. I just met you, but I can't let you keep running away in fear. I will help you." With that, he slowly wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

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