Not a Cinderella Story

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Have you ever wished your life was like a fairytale?

I have and I always will. And so has every girl on this whole world. For all of my thirteen years  I have thought of that perfect first kiss that made me never want to break up. A summer with the best guy met through a random place and turned into a perfect  story. Oh and don’t forget that sweet and loving, knight in shining armor rescuing me-the fair maiden- from whatever dream I was living in.

                    But then again, wishes rarely ever come true,.thats a told fact

I am here, laying on my bed on a sunday morning, listening to music I don’t like and doing homework that’s not due untill next week. facebook open in one window and random Google searches in another. My friends have ignored my text messages and even my random stalker won’t reply. middle school dance is in a week and nobody asked me, not even my friends. My family has ditched me to go  to church so im stuck at home for three hours with nothing to do but watch degrassi and play with my ipod

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