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Angela POV

I haven't heard from Christopher in a long while. This is actually giving me peace but at the same time, I don't know what strategies he's coming up with to ruin my life. The taught of him coming back into my life gives me the chills. Well, for a while now, I've been feeling really sick. The possibility of me being pregnant is scaring me.

'No no no no no no no no this can not be true' I screamed when I found out that I was pregnant. I'm sure this baby isn't Max's because I never slept with Max. Yeah that's right, Christopher took away my virginity when he rapped me. I have to make sure he doesn't find out about my pregnancy.

Christopher's POV

I'm so sure she has forgotten me but not for too long cause I'm gonna torture her so bad, she prefers death to life. I will finally have her all to my self. She will be my bride.

Angela's POV

After a whole month while I was outside enjoying the peace and quiet, a letter got to me and as I feared, it was from that son of a bitch Christopher. He wrote to me saying that he would be coming to see my parents so he could introduce our marriage and that I should get ready for more of what we had that night because he would be giving me a night's dosage. As soon as I read this, the memory of that night flashed in my head and I immediately started to shiver and shake in fear. On one hand, I wanted to tell my mum about all these, but on the other hand I remembered his threat. I then realized that I was alone in this. What will I do.

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