In the forest

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Madeline's P.O.V

I walked slowly through the forest and thought about all the good time I had spent with Harry Potter. Turns out he had cheated on me the whole time. He was really with Ginny Weasley. Stupid, pureblood idiot. Mrs. Weaslebee.  Why is it always me that's being treated like filth? I thought I heard someone near me, so I turned to one. I shrugged. I sat down on the leaf covered ground and pulled my knees close to me. I put my head inbetween my knees. I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I remembered exactly what Harry and Ginny had said to each other.


I walked toward my reading tree and I stopped in my tracks. It was Harry! Kissing Ginny!

"I love you Ginny." I heard Harry say.

"I love you too Harry." said Ginny.

I stormed up to the two young wizards.  

"What in the name of Hades is going on here?" I asked glareing at them, balling my hands into my fists, and putting my fist on my hips.

"Did you hear what Harry said? He loves me. Not you Mudblood." Ginny said. 

It had started raining. I ran away, packed up all my stuff,  and ran off into the forest. The rain had started storming all over me as if it hated me as well. The storm plastered my hair to my face and the rain felt like ice daggers digging at my skin. I stopped and collapsed on the ground. I couldn't run any farther. I cried myself to sleep.

*Flashback Ends*

I started to cry. 

"Hello? Who's there?" called a weak, sad, and broken voice.

I lifted my head, sniffled, and brushed away tears. 

"Hello?" I called back.

"Who are you?" We both called. There was a silence.

Then a black haired boy with sea green eyes, fair skin, and a orange T-shirt emerged from behind one of the trees. The boy walked to me and stopped. He held out his hand and I took it.  He helped me stand up.

"You okay?" he asked. I nodded.

"Thanks." I said.

"Percy Jackson. What's your name?" asked the boy. He seemed nice. And I'm not being sarcastic like Annabeth Chase, I mean it.

"I'm Madeline Stars. You can call me Maddie though." I said.

"Madeline Stars. Name fits you I think." Percy said with a smile.

I blushed. I hate when I do that. It's so annoying. Okay, back to the story.  

I wondered what a demi-god was doing out here in the middle of the woods. I peered behind him. 

"Where's the rest of your team?" I asked, looking at him. 

"Oh. They're playing without me." Percy muttered.

"Then, why are you not watching?" I asked.

"Yeah, well, I was hungry, so I decided to go get something." Percy said.

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. 

"I'm kidding. I lost my shield. So I decided to climb the trees to look for it." Percy said.

"What?" I asked. 

"Truth." I said.

Percy sighed in defeat.

"Alright. I ran away." Percy admitted.

I stared at him. A sudden thought came into my head. Did we run away for the same reason?

"Why?" I asked. 

"My girlfriend cheated on me." Percy said. I stared.

"I ran away too and my boyfriend cheated on me as well." I confessed.

"Well, looks like we're going to be good friends, huh?" Percy asked, grinning at me.

"Yep. Sure are." I said, returning the smile.

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