"I love you"

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  I love you. Those 3 words have no meaning what so ever in this society. People say that too everyone, to their friends, to their family members, even to random strangers. Now these 3 words, that use to words of utter love and devotion to another, has become words of adoration. People say these words so many times that truthfully that they are losing their meaning. Of course we could just make up 3 new words that mean more than what we have downgraded I love you, but now a days who has time to.

 On this planet the whole world revolves around the next big thing. So the world goes round and round as the value of I love you goes down. So if a person does really end up saying I love you the challenge is knowing weather or not they really mean it. For all you know the person might be thinking in the a brother loves sister or baby who loves a toy type of situation. In that case the toy will eventually be forgotten till it comes to a point that the baby has to "divorce" the toy.

It comes easier if you think of it like Toy Story. Yes Andy loved his toys, but that was in the past. Somewhere in his heart he might still love them but to  an extent, in the end he gave them away.

In the olden days, I love you use to be sacred words, reserved for the married. To say that to another when still young, the punishment would be equivalent to being grounded and having all of your electronics taken away. Of course in the olden days the punishment would to be spanked,  but they equal about same.

The meaning of I love you has become so vage that their are even new ways of saying it. the heart symbols, the whole shebang, the whole thing has gotten so out of control that owners are saying it to their dogs.

But what can we do, it obvious that we are a make love not war type of society. There  is a solution to this crisis that's making the most sacred word, that probly made your great grandmother blush return back to it initial value.Try not to throw words around, you never know who they might hit.

Yeah, so I did this a long time ago and I never really read it agian, so if you guys dont like it, then dont hate me, hate the person I was 2 years ago. (even though we didnt really change) yeah so I dont really know why you guys are reading this, if you are. Ever feel like when you send something, its not reaching people and its going in a black hole? Yeah that how I feel right now

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