Chapter Two

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So! Chapter Three guys! I know it's all a little confusing right now... but soon it will be coming from Cham's point of view!! This background is severely needed though, I promise! Please vote and comment.. I need some inspiration to keep going!!! <3 I know this is really short, but like I said, this is just the background info!!


Chapter 2

Five years later. Ten years old.

"Come on Cham! Make a wish and blow out your candles!!" As she looked at her son, she couldn't believe how much he had grown in the past couple years.

She could still remember the day he learned to walk, the first time he said, "Mommy". As she was bombarded with memories of him growing up, she could feel tears to well in her eyes. She looked up to see her husband staring down at their son, a small smile gracing his face. They hadn't talked about putting Cham up for adoption since that day five years ago... he knew that it was not up for discussion. He had finally given in and accepted his son for who he was. It had been so long, five years ago to the day, since Chameron had shifted, they had almost all forgotten about it. Chameron was so young, he didn't even remember it happening. No one felt the need to bring it up.

"Mom! The candles are out! Can we eat cake now. PLEEEASEE!?" The sound of Cham begging her for cake pulled her out of her reverie.

"Of course son! It's your birthday!!" She grabbed a knife and started dishing out cake for everyone.

As she was in the process of handing Cham a fork, she heard a dry, scratching noise.

"That sounds extremely familiar..." she thought to herself. She glanced around, looking to see where the noise was coming from. Everyone stopped eating, forks started dropping to the floor, along with the jaws of almost everyone present. Right before their eyes, Cham started to change.

"M-m-mom! What's happening to me!!?"

It began with his hair. It went from a soft, silky black to a thick mane of shoulder length chocolate brown. His eyes changed from a stormy grey to a bright, vibrant blue-violet colour. His cheekbones defined themselves, his lips slightly puckered, and his eyebrows slanted delicately over his new eyes. His skin went from a creamy porcelain to the colour of coffee with copious amounts of cream in it. Again, as the previous times, he was different, save for the fact that he was startlingly gorgeous.

Everyone seemed to be in shock. No one moved, until she stepped forward and hugged her son. With tears streaming down his face, he looked up at her.

"Mom, what just happened?"

Questions started coming from every area of the room: "What just happened?" "Was it magic?" "MOM! Where'd Chameron go!? And who's the new kid?!" "D-did I just see that correctly?!"

"EVERYONE! PLEASE CALM DOWN!" She looked up from Cham's face, surprised to see her husband taking control of the situation.

"Let's all just sit down, and we'll explain everything." With that, he motioned towards the couches in the living room.

After everyone had a seat, he stood up and addressed the crowd. Thankfully, it was all just family and close friends. As she directed her attention to her husband to see what he was going to say, she tucked Chameron snugly into the crook of her arm. She had failed to look at his face, otherwise she would have seen the look of pure self-hate that had settled there.


He looked at the people sitting in front of him. "I know what just happened may have come as quite a shock to you all. I can understand where your curiosity is coming from. Chameron has a rare genetic disease that he was born with. Just like every human being loses and regenerates skin cells, Chameron does the same. The only thing is, when he gets new skin cells, his physical appearance changes. It had only happened twice before today, the first time being the day he was born and the second being the day of his fifth birthday. Now, I know it is hard to deal with when you first hear of it, but you become accustomed quickly. He is still the same little boy on the inside, and how many times have you heard that that's what counts?" As he finished his monologue, he looked around the room to see the looks of understanding crossing the faces of the people he had known his whole life. All except for Chameron.

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me I was a...a... a FREAK?!" With that, Chameron ran out of the room, only stopping to grab his ratty blue dragon stuffie off the coffee table.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2010 ⏰

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