Just a norma- Nevermind.

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3rd POV
Logan sat in the common room of the mindspace reading while Patton was coloring a picture and Virgil was asleep on part of the couch with one earbud in his ear playing My Chemical Romance.

Suddenly Roman burst into the room his hair and sash a mess and his sword in his hand.

Patton jumped to his feet. "What's the matter Roman!?" He asked loudly causing the emo trait to jolt awake and fall off the couch.

"Ouch," Virgil grumbled rubbing the back of his hand while standing up. "Why must you be so lound Roman!?"

"Will you all stop bickering. I am trying to read peacefully and you all are disrupting it," Logan complained not taking his eyes off his book.

"Dragon Witch...........attacking kingdom.........please help...." Roman said catching his breath.

They all looked at each other. The Dragon Witch was not only a problem to Roman's fantasy kingdom but to the Mindscape as well.

"Let's go then!" Patton said running down the hall with Roman.

"Do we have to go?" Virgil groaned.

"Yes and you know that if the Dragon Witch were to escape the Dreamspace she is currently in, then that could put us all in danger." Logan replied.

"Fine. But I'll go get the back up. Knowing those two they won't be any help," the emo grumbled as he ran down a different hall.

Logan sighed and ran after the dad-like trait and the creative trait.


Virgil arrived at the end of the hall where two doors were at. One was dark dark blue with shades on the front while the other was brown with a snake in a fadora on it's head.

"Decit!! Sleep!! Get your lazy butts out here!!! The Dragon Witch is back!!!" Virgil yelled. He only heard movement from Sleep's room. Ten seconds later Sleep and Decit ran out of Sleep's room.

"I am not even going to ask," Virgil responded running down the hall.

"Very unwise choice Virgil," Decit hissed.

They ran down the hall and down the one the other traits went down. They reached the door to the Dreamspace and ran inside to see Roman on a white stallion fighting with his sword against the Dragon witch. Logan was on the ground weilding what looked like a.............book. Logan was yeilding a book. Patton was throwing stuffed animals at it with some effect of a distraction for Roman. The three ran down to help.

"IF WE ARE GOING TO BEAT HER WE NEED ACTUAL WEAPONS!!" Virgil yelled while summoning a black sword that had a purple jewel on it.

They each had their own weapons for situations like this. Roman with his samari sword, Logan with his nija stars that looked like they had facts written on them, Patton had throwing knifes, Virgil had his black sword that he decided to use after he read a book once(Yes. Virgil reads. Come on people!!), Sleep had his sharpshooter gun that for some reason was light blue and white, and Decit and his two handguns. Together they overwhelmed the Dragon Witch.

She yelled in outrage. "That was a poor choice." She said. Before she dissolved back to her kingdom, she started chanting and all of the traits where surrounded individually by green and purple smoke.

As she dissolved a bright light was casted blinding them all momentaraly.

When they finally could see, she was gone.


So sorry this was not out sooner. I was trying to decide how I wanted to write it.

Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter!!


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