Self Confidence

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Step 3: Gain self-confidence

Be confident in who you are and what you are able to change and to achieve. You are stronger than you think.

Like I said before, I used to not like myself, and because of that I never believed in myself and barely had any confidence in my actions and in myself in general.

I do now, at least on most days, because I learned that in the end, oneself is the most important person in one's life. You are the person who's gonna pick yourself up from the ground more times than anyone else in your life. And every single one of us deserves the world for that, because picking yourself up from the ground is one of the hardest things ever. Be proud for how far you have come!

Be confident in your beliefs. Again, I can't tell you what's the best way to be more confident in yourself, but one thing, that's really paying of is to do what you are afraid to do. For example to be yourself. Being self-confident makes you stronger and happier in the long run.

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