Chapter 24

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Eros's POV:

"You're out." I simply stated as Lucifer and I stood in front of the crowd of guys.

"Out? What the fuck do you mean by out you bastard?!" Benedict roared furiously as he charged up with his fist in the air, wanting to charge towards me but got held back by his ex-comrades.

"I meant exactly what I said. You're out."

"Sir! Say something!" He stared at Lucifer with slight desperation in his eyes but Lucifer merely stared back at him calmly.

"I'm not going to hold you back. You're not worthy to be one of my men."


"Enough!" Lucifer boomed, silencing the whole area instantly with authority radiating from him. The other soldiers stared at him in shock as it was the first time they saw him lose his temper. Lucifer had never shouted at anyone till now despite being mad. "That's enough. I give you 5 minutes to grab your valuables and get out of the castle's perimeter. You'll be killed upon sight after the 5 minutes. Your other items will be delivered to your house. Just get lost."

"Hmph...King foot." He spat rudely at Lucifer, causing the rest to tense up in fear as they watched the scene unveil. Anger soared in me, making me clench my fists tightly. "You don't even have mercy flowing in your veins. You'll pay for this... Both of you!" Lucifer stayed cool throughout the whole insult, couldn't be bothered about Benedict's threat. I on the other hand, which I have no idea why, exploded. Surprising myself by my own actions.

"Listen here. You can insult and threaten me but I will not tolerate you insulting Lucifer,your King! I'm the one who made him kick you out and that's also your own fault for being selfish and heartless towards your partner when we went to the Land of Ice. You do not deserve to protect the kingdom if you can't even protect even one person who is your partner!" A smug look appeared on his face as he advanced towards me, jabbing his finger sharply against my chest as he peered up at me with narrowed eyes which shone with an emotion I can't identify.

"Lucifer? Lucifer? Did you just call him, the King, Lucifer? What are you? His bitch? Did you suck his cock to get to your current position? Or maybe let him up your ass already?" He let out a short mocking chuckle with a 'knowing' look in his eyes. "No wonder you can become our 'Alpha' even though we hardly k-"

"Benedict, you have 1 minute and 47 seconds left to get lost." Lucifer spoke up calmly as he watched the time on his watch's timer.

"Fine fine. Don't get your pantise in a twist King Merciless." He spat with a couldn't be bothered look on his face before walking towards the main gate and simply left the castle grounds without taking anything as everyone gawked in disbelief and awe. By their ex-comrade bold actions and accusations and how calm Lucifer was despite all the insults thrown. He's actually not calm at all. He's seething. The pulsing vein outline on his forehead says all despite how calm he looks.


That guy seriously... he doesn't care about anyone but himself. He doesn't even look remorseful at all! Thank goodness the others are not like him.

Lucifer's POV:

How dare he insult Kai like that? How dare he soil Kai's name by speaking all those trash about him which aren't even true!

"You're so dead." A low murmur followed by a dark crackle left his lips as he walked passed us with a sinister look in his eyes as he shot Kai a side glance which went unnoticed by him. I felt rage bubbling in me knowing that the one I love is threatened by one of my ex-soldier. I was mad at Benedict for doing whatever he wanted but I was mostly furious at myself by letting him join at the first place. Clenching my jaw in fury, I maintained my external relaxed composure as Kai stared at me worriedly due to my silence and extreme calm composure while the rest stared at me in awe. Seems like only Kai truly knows me.

"Everyone listen up." Kai commanded authoritatively, making everyone look up at him in attention. "I don't care if you believe in Benedict's words but I just want you to know that in this world of life and death, if you break the commands, you're trash. However, if you abandon any of your comrades, you're worse than trash. If anyone have a different thought in this, feel free to speak up and correct me." Everyone of them stared at him silently without a look of disagreement or hesitation, none tried to question him.

"Good. Anyway, your Alpha will be coming back tomorrow so here I stand before all of you. I thank you all for being cooperative with me despite all the tough training I've given you. I'm really glad to have you guys under my wing as I can see that you all take pride in your duties and I'm truly proud of you. I hope that all of you will continue to train hard under your Alpha and give all your best to protect the Land of Darkness. Thank you." Kai announced sincerely as they stared at him with mixed expressions. Shock, touched and excitement. Some who are more emotional even teared up slightly.

"Let's fight alongside again next time shall we?" Kai asked the group with a light tone before spreading his arms slightly apart. "Um...for good luck?" He blushed slightly as he offered them a hug, one that I gave him before he left. The guys stared at one another before getting to their feet and pouncing towards him in a very large group hug, shouting "Group hug!" at the same time.

Damn it. I'm going to cry.

"What are you standing there for King Merci? Join us!" One of them hollered out as they made a way for me to the centre where Kai stood with a bright smile on his face. He looks so gorgeous smiling so brightly.

"Lucifer!" Kai called out my name, snapping me out of my daze. "Faster!"

"Coming!" Maybe this is the start of a new life.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now