23. Believe our fake love

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Author : sheenbean16

Genre : random

Prue walks in on her year and a half boyfriend Russell sleeping with her best friend Joanna in their bed. Prue becomes heartbroken that the two people she trusted and loved betrayed her like this. Raven, Prue's other real best friend, suggest her to go get a rebound to get over Russell.

At first Prue thought that was just stupid and pushed the idea away. She comes stumbling over a wanted list of male escorts, she hires Chace to become her fake boyfriend. Once she meets Chace, she can't help but feel strongly attracted towards him.

Chace has a secret that Prue wants to find out and one way or another she will. But what if the secret is something that will scare her or excite her.

One thing first is making Russell believe their fake love.

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