Chapter 2

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Author's Notes: Well, I got some fantastic feedback on my first chapter that pushed me to type out another. This time, I fought sleep for it. Sleep will thank me later. And to be honest, I'm actually excited to type. This is weird for me, but I hope it lasts. Thank you to all that reviewed and I hope to see more very soon.

Also, as of right now, I'm on summer break, so updates will be random until beginning of August. By then, I'll have a schedule.

Disclaimer: Anything you see here that you recognize as a brand or product is obviously not mine.

Read on and "may the force be with you" (Lucas).


"So, Mr. Baron…" His blue eyes lifted from the papers in his hands and connected with Noah's, "ya'll sure you didn't know Miss Grey before the incident?"

Dark walls enclosed the men in a room that forced many words out of past visitors. To the left of them, a door called for Noah's freedom, but to the right, a one-way window hid individuals watching the people who sat in Noah's chair. At that moment, the hidden faces stared right at Noah, studying his body movements and facial expressions. They would write down the amount of times he moved his hands or avoided eye contact. They were looking for lies. His body was growing numb from sitting for so long; nervous twinges hit his shoulder with every question asked. The question was asked twice in the forty-five minute sitting; Noah replied the same.

"Sir," he leaned forward, setting his hands on the edge of the cold table, then spoke very carefully, "I'm one hundred percent positive I did not know Sophia before the accident."


Rewind to last week and Noah was sitting on the couch, finally learning Sophia's name in the worst possible way. The story featured a segment with her parents talking about her life and her dreams. Her mother was visibly trying to hold back tears, every so often brushing her fingers under her eyes. She had her mother's eyes. Next to her was Sophia's father, eyes red from already crying before the interview began. He talked through the entire interview.

He first spoke about Sophia's easy going personality, how quickly she became friends with everyone, and how she wanted to travel the world on dollars a day. He said how beautiful and smart she was and that he admired her more than anyone could. He knew she was going to achieve all of her dreams because of how she set her mind to challenges.

"Sophie was a beautiful flower," he said. His voice trembled on and the screen changed to a slideshow of various pictures, all of Sophia with family and friends. Her smile was always the same; her face was always beautiful. Picture after picture, Noah could feel something upsetting swell and flourish inside of him. He suddenly grew uncomfortable and hit the remote. The screen went black.

For a long time, Noah just sat there, wondering what now. He knew he couldn't go back to work. Never seeing her beautiful face looking for a book would kill him inside. He would never be able to learn her name personally. He would never be able to ask her for that coffee. Noah sighed and leaned back his head. Sophia's father was wrong. Noah admired her more.


"Ya'll know why we keep asking you that, son?" The man looked at Noah from above his glasses. Noah slid his hands off the table and sat back; he thought for a moment then shook his head. The man rolled his eyes back and sighed. For moment, he rubbed his forehead while staring at the papers in front of him. Seconds later, he flipped open a manila folder full of pictures and packets. He chose a packet and closed the folder, then adjusted his glasses to better read the documents. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

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