Chapter Two

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Izuku's POV

We were walking to school the next day. My legs were still a little weak from last night so Kacchan had to pull me along. I kept my gaze lowered to the ground. While I was supposed to know everyone in class, I couldn't help but feel scared. I wouldn't remember anything, nor anyone.

Kacchan gave scowls to anyone we passed once we made it to school grounds. His grip tightened on my hand, despite his figure moving angrily.

A familiar girl walked up to us, smiling and waving her arms up in the air. It was Uraraka.

"Good morning, Deku. Bakkugo," she greeted.

"Morning, Uraraka," I smiled. I could feel my cheeks burning again, in which Kacchan gave a glare to.

"Are you ready for the first day of second year?!" She asked cheerily.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm kind of nervous."

"That's to be expected!" Uraraka said with a smile. She grabbed my other hand and pulled me along with Kacchan. The two sent each other competitive glares. I had to let out a sigh. How many more people are fighting over me?, I asked myself.

We approached a door, marked as class 1-A. Uraraka didn't hesitate to pull open the door, waving her arms and greeting the class.

Heads turned to face the three of us. When their eyes met mine, their faces lit up. Unfamiliar faces rusher towards me. A man with a tail... A girl with earphones in her skin... So many new people.

A girl tugged on my hand. "Midoriya! You're back!"

Another pulled his other hand. "How are you feeling?"

Many others came into my face, spouting questions that only went over my head. I could feel their stares pierce through my skull. Judging me... My eyes got all teary and I could feel my hear pound inside my chest.

"...Deku...?" Kacchan asked. He looked me in the face, seeing my fear-filled eyes and beads of sweat trickling down my brow.

The questions kept coming. I didn't understand. It was a foreign language. Something impossible to understand. A face flashed in my vision.

"You...killed Midoriya Inko..."

I yelped, the tears blatantly falling from my eyes. The class stared. My chest got tight. I couldn't breathe. It was as if all the air was sucked from my lungs.

I ran. I didn't care where I ran. I just had to leave the situation. I happened to run into the corner of the hallway, falling to the ground and hugging my knees to my face.

"You're a pathetic son, you know that?"


"Just leave me the hell alone..."

A hand ruffling my hair broke my thoughts. It was a hand filled with scars, calluses, and muscles. It was no doubt Kacchan.

"...Kacchan..." I whispered.

He chuckled lightly. "You really are a nervous wreck..."

I nodded.

"Tell you what, how about we start with a few people and go from there?"

I looked up and sniffled. Kacchan had his stern gaze on the wall, but his hands were soft as feathers. I loved the feeling of him petting me.

I didn't reply right away, resulting in a groan from Kacchan. " are such a high-matinence boyfriend..."

He pulled me up to my feet. We walked down the hall with our hands interlinked. It was a bit embarrassing, but it felt nice.


A/N: I want to apologize to everyone for the wait. In all honesty, I haven't been as involved in the BNHA fandom as I was when I wrote the first book; it's been harder to write this book to decent quality.

I was hoping for this chapter to be a bit longer; however I will post it as it is now to show that I haven't given up on this story quite yet.

Thanks again for all of your support. I really appreciate it.

I Will Break The Chains (Abused! Izuku X Katsuki) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now