Celebrate pt. 1

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Mockie was considerably worried.
The Mock Turtle fumbled around his small home(if it was to be considered a home at all) catching his horns on the rafters and hanging decor, knocking over his supplies, and nearly tripping on air.
Frabjous day was so close.
He should've been in a holiday mood, but he wasn't. He had heard from afar,that Alice was on her way.
Tensions were rising and he couldn't help but stay awake restless hours,wondering just what would be the outcome of the dangerous event
Marigold dashed under her uncle's legs to catch an energized Jackal. He was quite excited,mainly for Marigold.
That day was the day that gryphon whom were Marigold's age would be recognized as powerful gryphons themselves. They would all celebrate and finally be able to hunt on their own,without assistance from their sires and dams.
  "Jackal stop it,Rolly Polly better behaved than you!"
The girl finally got a hold of her jabberwock's cold black scales. Marigold was nearly fuming with anger for getting up to early just to chase a hatchling dragonet,but just seeing his lavender eyes and grinning face was enough to force her to simmer down.
  Rolly Polly scaled up Paleamon's many feathers until he came upon his almost monstrous head. The hedgehog chirped loudly and waved for Marigold to hurry and hop onto the Gryphon's winged shoulders. He was eager to head to the festival and have an enticing day with the beasts that rescued him from being a croquet ball.
  Hera couldn't help but smile,she was finally going to watch as her only granddaughter would be introduced to the majority of the mountain and prove she'd help defend them and walk valiantly in the footsteps her son had already treaded on.
Rolly Polly chirped and waved a tiny hand for Jackal to take his place on Paleamon's back.
The jabberwocky hunkered low and jumped up with his little wings spread, finally Jackal took a hold of the mass of feathers.
A long bugle-like call echoed from the mountain and surely went into Marmoreal,frightening the daylights out of residents. Marigold grinned, knowing it was nearly time for her and Raincrest to finally be recognized as courageous young gryphon.
"This is almost exciting as when Paleamon brought Marigold to us."
Ruella rubbed her brother's side,all while recalling leaning over her brothers just to look at her.
Marigold finally jumped up and gripped handfuls of feathers with a feeling of excitement in her animalistic heart. She sat idly atop her father and hugged her beloved pets close.
The family of gryphons unfurled their mighty wings and took off.
Marigold could see the maroon strokes of dawn past the graying clouds,deeply wanting the see the whole sky. She could hardly remember a time when the sky was free of puffy dark clouds.
Quilla had helped to prepare one of the mountain's largest cavity the night before,she felt proud as she gazed upon the freshly cleaned stone. It was shaped much like an arena,with naturally formed walls which the family could eye their cubs from.
  "The ceremony will begin shortly,where's Marigold?"
Munin gazed around at the conversing gryphon for any sign of the human girl or the family of eagle gryphons.
At that moment,Quilla purred and had a look of excitement on her deep black face.
The bulk of Paleamon had already entered.
Marigold could feel hundreds of eyes on her and Jackal.
"Hello Paleamon."
An owl gryphon smiles at the eagle.She turned up at Marigold.
"And...your daughter."
Marigold waved as they passed.
The other gryphons respected Paleamon,mainly because he protected them and their beloved home,even when they were too scared to even look at an Underlandian passing by.
"Today I'll finally be seen in the same light father bathes in."
Marigold thought quietly,as Hera led the way to the clearing.
Paleamon sat and Marigold hooked onto both of her pets and slid down the gryphons' unfurled wing. Marigold pushed back her ebony locks of chopped hair to see Raincrest and a few other gryphon in their age group.
Marigold was on the balls of her feet from excitement.
Paleamon turned her to face her family.
"Remember,you are a human girl in a gryphon celebration.I want to act like yourself and prove that you too can defend our home."
"I will,I promise."
Marigold heard a squeak and felt the prickly back of a hedgehog.
Rolly Polly and Jackal had their little heads turned and were eyeing her with a curious look.
"I want you both to be good while I'm away,I'll be watching even from the clearing. The two of them nodded
"Good." Marigold smirked.
"You can do it Mari."
Her uncle shoved his way past his brother.
"You're the best niece any gryphon can ask for." Her aunt pushed him aside.
Marigold turned from her elated family and towards her friend.
Some gryphon were stunned.
Few growled.
But most were curious.
The Mount Gryphos residents leaned over the natural stone railings to get a look at the human sired among gryphon.
"How curious,a gryphon raising a human."
  A light chorus of whispers lit the air between the smaller hummingbird gryphons.
"A human,how could a human be here of all places."
A particular female falcon with light markings leaned over her end of the terrace,her monstrous talons scarring the stone.

This was one of the longer to write but mainly because I'm lazy and I've been on a trip and there was hardly any service.
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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