(Random)Just for him~

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So I basically just wanted to know if someone were to ask me out what would you do that would you fight for me or would you let me go, if you wanted me then you wouldn't let me go if you ever like me they wouldn't let me go if from the beginning this was just a misunderstanding and you were just trying to see if you could actually fall in love with someone else let me go. I am not a toy, I have feelings and they hurt. I know you don't know what's going on I'm not asking you to pay attention to me I don't know I need you to tell me just "move on I don't want anything with you then just being upfront with you I need to tell me no fuck him I'm here to fight for you even if I can't feel anything right now I know I hope this someday I'll feel something magical, I felt something before I don't know how to describe and I don't know if it was a potential sign of love or was it just me being a fucking hole.
Ps- this is old and it's something I wrote to someone I once wanted to be with. We are now friends and I no longer dedicate this to him but maybe to another. ❤️I love this void

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