D i d I G i v e U p ?

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Copyright © 2017 by SG All Rights Reserved.

DID I GIVE UP ON LOVE YET? You see that little four letter word is very strong.

It'll either make you or break you and in my case it's been breaking me down..

I've always put peoples feelings before my own in every single relationship. Never stood up for myself or announced how i felt. I'm not saying that putting your partner first is a bad thing, because sometimes that's okay.. to an extent.

You see Love is sacrifice, it's pain, commitment and its even a bit messy. Love will have you in your room crying for hours wishing that all your feelings would just go away. Sounds scary right? That's because it is.

The day your willing to tell someone that you love them is the day that your ready to accept those faults. Don't get me wrong, love has its good parts and if you've been in love before then you've experienced them.

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about two years now and if i sat here and told you that everything was perfect I'd be lying. He has been distant the last couple of weeks.

He claims that it's stress from work but  i don't know what to believe. I understand that work can be very tense at times but when i do try and comfort him he pushes me away. It's like nothing I do is enough and truth be told it sucks.

We no longer have a sex life, we don't even cuddle he has his side of the bed and i have mine. The last time we were intimate was about two months ago and again he blames it on work.

There's times that i start to feel like I'm no longer good enough for him anymore, like my body is disgusting and my face is even worse.

I've always told myself that i wouldn't let anyone get me to that point, but I love him. I crave for him and every time i see him walk in through that door after work it brightens my whole day. Seeing his face only shows me nothing but our good memories.

You see ending a relationship with someone you love isn't easy. Actually it's far from easy.

I know i might seem blind sided
And yes I know that  i might seem dumb but to be completely honest, I don't want to believe that he is over me.

I don't want to wake up everyday knowing that he no longer loves me.
I just don't.

I quickly snap my head up as i hear the doorknob start to shuffle. He's home...


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