Vanilla Macrons

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These vanilla macrons is deffinantly worth a try. They are super cute and taster even better, but to the recipe.


3 eggwhites

5dl/ 2cups of powdered sugar

0,5dl/ 1/4cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla sugar

2,5dl/ 1cup almond flour

5-7 drops food coloring (optional)

How to do it:

1. Mix your almond flour and powdered sugar. When you are finish mixing it you put it aside for a while.

2. Whip your eggwhites. When you are finished whipping your eggwhites you blend in your sugar, food coloring and your vanilla sugar.

3. Subsequent the egg mixture gentely into the icing sugar and almond mixture using a spatula.

4. Then you put your mixture into a pipingbag and make some sircles, squares, hearts etc. on a cookie sheet. Be creative you can make any shape and size you want.

5. Turning the cookie sheet with the macrons in the table sometimes to get rid of airbubbles. Put the macrons away for like 30 minutes to let them harden before you cook them in the oven for 18-20 minutes on 309°F/ 150°C.

Now while we are waiting for the macrons to get cooked we can make the vanilla filling.


2 eggjokes

7 tabelspoons of butter

2-3 drops of food coloring

0,5 dl/ 1/4cup sugar

1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar

How to do it:

1. Mix your eggjokes, sugar, food coloring and vanilla sugar. Put your mix in a little saucepan and cook it till it has a pudding consistency.

2. Mash up your butter and blend it with your eggjoke mix

When you are finished with bought your macron patties (I guess I can call it that) and your vanilla filling you take one macron pattie and add some filling on it and then you add another macron pattie. And then ladies and gentelmen you have a finished macron. And it will taste delicius I promise.

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