Chapter one(CRY BABY)

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You take things so hard ,and then you fall apart

Sleep, I can't sleep not when tomarrow is the first day of school. This is my third year in highschool ,but my first day in Blue side highschool. I moved schools again because my mom said it would be better if I got a new start. She said at this new school I should make friends and make sure to tell her when kids start bullying me this time. Since I hid it from her last time,but I only hid it cuz I didn't want her or my dad to worry. Anyways my father couldn't transfer work, so he had to stay in Daegu. So he visits my mom and me here in Busan.

Third pov
Eyes feeling heavy and droopy, he dozed off.

Next morning
"Yoongggiii!! Hun Please It's Time To Rise And Shine Baby" his mother yelled from the downstairs kitchen

The sleepy little boy pulls himself up and does his morning routine. Changing into some jean overalls and a light blue long sleeve under, also throwing on some light blue convers on.

"Mommy! Im ready"the small boy squealed
"Come down for breakfast"his mom replied
"But mommy im going to be late" he pouted while waddling down the staircase.
"You must eat breakfast,I'll drive you to school and Yoongi are you sure you wanna wear that on the first day of school?" his mother tilted her head while staring at the boy. "What's wrong with what im wearing"he said with tears already streaming down his rosy soft cheeks
She hugged the boy,not letting him cry anymore, with a shocked face but not really surprised, since she was used to her over dramatic and sensitive baby like son.'how will he survive in school' she thought to her self

"Let's go"once in the car. Yoongi's mood was mixed with excitement and nervousness
The car pulled up to the school gate and the school was quite larger then his old one.
'oohh i cant wait to make new friends' he thought


Yoongi managed to find his way to class without getting lost and is now sitting in class, his last class to be exact. The teacher walked in class and introduces himself
" My name is Mr. Kim, Im your home room teacher good afternoon"The whole class stud silent from a brief moment before he started talking again "Class today we have a new transfer student please come to the front of the class and introduce yourself"

Yoongi's POV
I slowly stood from my seat and made my way to the front of the class. I gulped "hello my name is Min Yoongi, I hope w-we can be f-friends" I said with a shaky voice. Why did i have to stutter oh my gosh. Im such a dummy. After my fail attempt to introduce myself. I look up and see judging stares burning through me. I start to hear whispers around the class.
"Why does he dressed like that?" "He kinda looks like a freak huh?" "I couldn't even hear him" "Eww he's probably gay, look how he's dressed" I tightened my grip on my overalls while looking down.

This was my biggest nightmare. To feel exposed and judged. The only diffrence between my dreams and reality was me sobbing like a baby. I completed my nightmare,i couldn't control it, the tears running down my face. They were right, the bullies at my old school, I am a CRY BABY. Soon my new class and teacher could hear my sniffling and quiet sobbing.
"Class talk amongst yourselves me and your classmate will step out for a moment" My teacher Mr. Kim said while ushering me to step out.

After Mr. Kim convinced the the office to let me go home. I made my way home walking since i didn't want to bother my mom at work. I got hungry so i found myself entering a bakery. The nice brown haired male behind the counter greeted me.
"Welcome to Hope Bakery, what brings a cutie like you here?"he said with a bright smile
"Im just hungry and I dont have money"i said sadly while pouting
"Aww well i guess i can give you something, I mean it is my bakery"he said while handing me a small brown bag
"My name is Hoseok"
"Nice to meet you, my name is Yoongi"
"How old are you little bun?"
"Im 16 and you?"
"Im 22"the older man said
"I should get going, thank you again hyung" i said while waving and smiling. While walking home i ate the sweet bread hyung gave me and passed by a park. I decided to go through the park since it was a shortcut to my home.

My mistake was not watching where I was going and bumping into someone and knocking their drink into shirt.
"I-im s-sorry"I said while lowering my head. "I-i didn't mean too"I said while ,you guessed it, Crying again

Third pov

The man looked up confused "h-hey why are you crying? Look i didn't mean to yell just watch where your going next time"
Yoongi looked up, eyes puffy and with a sniffly nose "B-but but ruined your shirt mister and now your mad at me and im sorry please don't tell my mommy i didn't mean it. Honest" he pouted and finally looking at the man's features. He was tall and well built with a handsome face. "Look it's ok and don't be such a CRY BABY. Anyways my name is Jeongguk, so dont call me mister im 21 not 60"yoongi giggled at the olders claim
"See your fine, What's your name?"the taller asked
"My name is Yoongi"the small boy stated
"My shirt will survive just be more careful ok and I won't tell anyone" the man smiled one more time before walking away

Yoongi didn't know why or how but he liked the older from just that little moment. Everyone in his life has either called him a cry baby or comforted him to stop crying but not one person has every look at his whiny face and straight up told him to quit being one. Not like jeongguk did

Im not a good writer. As you can tell. Bare with me and I'll update as soon a possible

annddd one more thing please vote👏😭
*1104 *words

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