**Extra chapter** (just some fluff)

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Katarina was curled up on the couch, watching a whale documentary and giggling, while Sherlock was in the kitchen looking at a peculiar specimen. The television kept showing the size of whales compared to the size of other things and apparently she found that funny. Snowy was nowhere to be seen, the sound of the TV scared her and she usually ran off.

“Kat?” Sherlock called, “What would you like for dinner?”

“Can we have chips?” she asked.

“Not only chips but you can have that too, how about some fish?”

“Ohhhkay.” she sighed and went back to watching her film.

The door then burst open and John came into the room, followed by Scotland Yard’s Lestrade, Anderson and Molly. Kat’s face lit up, “Hi! I’m watching whales.”

John walked into the kitchen, looking somewhat guilty.

“Oh look its you, I was beginning to worry what you’ve gotten yourself into.” Sherlock smiles, removing his gloves and goggles.

“I found this bunch cleaning up a case, I thought you would want to know and scrambled home.” John sighed.

“It was a minor case, nothing we couldn't handle.” Lestrade lied through his teeth.

Kat came tottering over, with the cat now at her feet, “What case?”

“Nothing Kat,” Molly knelt down and smiled, petting Snowy.

“Well it’s time we left.” Greg tipped his hat and started walking out when he noticed Anderson. “Anderson! Peel yourself away from that whale documentary and let’s go!”

After they all left, John and Kat sat down and ate, during a particularly quiet dinner. Breaking the silence her little voice piped up, “Can Jamie come over after school tomorrow?”

John smiled, “Sure.”

While John was so nonchalant, Sherlock was freaking out. A boy? Here? With Kat? “Of course,” he replied softly.

“Yay!” she cried and gobbled up the rest of her supper.

After they had finished eating, all three of them settled down on the worn leather couch and popped in a movie. Kat was snuggled in between them, both arms around her cat, who was asleep in her lap.

A/N: I have started chapter 4 and im about halfway through it. Since Its now summer im spending a lot more time on the outernet so i wont update as much. I promise I still will update and as soon as I can


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