2: Maria

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Jacob Martinez was an annoying douche-bag.

But somehow, every single one of my teachers seemed to love the crap out of him. 

Sending the brown-haired asshole a glare from across the room, I secretly wished he would burst into flames and go straight to hell. 

"Maria?" Brook's voice cut through my inner rampage.

I looked up to her sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. Her piercing, blue-eyed gaze cut right into my soul.

"Staring at Martinez again, eh?" She spoke again, flicking her short blue hair out of her eyes. (Which continued to be beautiful and chop my soul into little pieces). "Just because he got a one-hundred on the english test doesn't mean you have to." 

I sighed when she wrapped her arms around me, and I turned to fall into the embrace. She giggled.

"Brook, he just pisses me off. Did you see him walk out just now? He's probably gonna go jack off in the janitor's closet again." 

Snuggling closer to her, I took a deep breath and waited for her to reply. (And stop laughing).

"I still can't believe you walked in on him doing that. Seriously, I can't believe it." Barely managing to choke the words out above her laughter, she shook against me. 

"I work at the school and had to get the water bucket. I've told you the story a million times. He was touching his dick. I really don't want to think about it."

"That's because you're gay."

"So are you!"

"That doesn't mean I can't ask some general questions about a guy's penis."

"You're gay and dating me."

"So? Even more reason for you to tell me?" 

I huffed, dramatically. Stupid Brook. It sucked that I loved her.

"Well, it looked like a penis."

"No shit." She slid closer to me, and I smiled. My penis talk must've really got her gears going.

"Yeah. I didn't really stick around to measure it, you know?"

"I know?" 

As I turned to stick my tongue out, she kissed me quickly, before jumping up at the sound of the bell and leaving me there, alone on the lunch bench.

"Bitch!" I called after her, chasing her willowy form. "And I loved you!"

"Whore!" She spun to yell back at me, and flung her arms out so I could jump in.

All the while, I had completely forgotten Charles Bukowsi's "Bone Palace Ballet" in the rush to make out with my totally hot girlfriend.

Couldn't bring myself to notice until I got home and realized it was gone.

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