Mahiru,dead?Kuro and Tsubaki face each other.

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Kuro kicked the door down not bothering to see if it was unlocked.The room was dark,with some natural light from the street lamps outside shining through the window.There was no sign of Tsubaki..which made him feel uneasy.Walking around he smelled something,the trace of blood.Following it into a bedroom he saw Mahiru lying motionless on a bed. 'Mahiru?"He asked softly walking towards the bed worried. (He's not breathing,he's not moving.I don't even sense his presence.I..I'm too late.)Kuro's eyes widened as he ran over to the bed.

"I told you,you would be too late."The demon's voice echoed in his head as he looked down at Mahiru's body.His eyes filled with tears,as he clenched his fists. "Tsubaki did this..."He growled softly.He was horrified,heartbroken,and wanted to die.The only good thing if you could call it that was Mahiru didn't appear to have been turned into a subclass.He reached his hand out and softly touched Mahiru's cheek,it was as cold as ice. "This is all my fault."He whispered.Kuro was too upset to notice,there was a pair of red eyes staring at him from the shadows.A small two tailed fox watched quietly.He was just about to go through with his plan when Kuro had kicked the door down.Though this was almost as good,seeing Kuro like this.

Kuro fell to his knees crying.Tsubaki smiled,trying to decide if this was good enough or if he would finish Kuro off as well.Suddenly he remembered..Belkia and Higan were most likely wounded as was Sakuya.He would deal with his big brother later perhaps he thought as he was leaving the room.To his surprise though Kuro had heard him.He was now pinned against the nearest wall as his brother held tight to his throat,looking at him with eerie blue eyes. "This is interesting.Tell me brother,are you actually going to kill me?Can you really do it?"Tsubaki said with a large smile.Kuro's grasp tightened.There was no doubt in his mind,he was going to kill Tsubaki.After what he did he deserved no mercy.

Tsubaki could sense the homicidal intention coming from Kuro,and knew.His brother was serious.If he didn't escape he would be killed.Oddly the idea made him laugh.Seeing him laugh made Kuro even more angry,and he aimed his claws at Tsubaki's neck.Just as he was about to strike,he heard something.A soft moan.Both Servamps looked shocked at the sound,realizing it was coming from the bed.Kuro dropped Tsubaki out of shock.(It couldn't be he's dead right?)He thought as part of him got excited.Was,was Mairu still alive.But how he was dead moments ago right?As Kuro turned towards the bed Tsubaki turned back into fox form and ran to check on his subclass,and escape.

"Mahiru?"Kuro asked softly.Impossible he is dead there would be no response right?Another soft moan.His eyes widened as a familiar aura could be felt.It was not there moments ago but was now there.Weak barely noticeable,but still there.It was Mahiru,he was alive.He ran over to his eve who was now moving slightly.His brown eyes opened and looked up to see Kuro standing over him. "Kuro..."He said softly trying to figure out what was happening.Then he remembered,he was with Tsubaki wasn't he?Before Mahiru could react Kuro hugged him,picking him up in the process.He could sense how weak his eve was,but he was alive.That is all that mattered,he needed to get him out of here and to a doctor.

Mahiru wanted to ask where Tsubaki,and Sakuya was but was too tired to speak.As they left Tsubaki Higan and Belkia were nowhere to be seen,nor was Shamrock,or Lilac.But watching from the rooftop once they left was Sakuya,with a slight smile,and relief that Mahiru survived.He turned around to leave and catch up with the others.Didn't want Tsubaki thinking he either ran off,or got himself killed.

(AN)Hahah...Come on guys!I wouldn't kill Mahiru off!I am evil but not that evil...Though I am still interested in the subclass idea someday...

Thanks for reading!!

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