Getting Their Feet Wet Copyright © 2014 by Carol Ritten Smith

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                                                     by Carol Ritten Smith

“Can you believe it, Mill? We’re actually in Cancun!”

Millie glanced about. “Shhh. Don’t let on we’re tourists. Someone might think we’re an easy mark.”        

 “This is an all-inclusive resort. Other than employees, everyone here is a tourist.” Plastic key card in hand, Agnes stood in front of the door to their room. “Have you ever used one of these things?”

 “Is that a credit card? I thought you said everything was paid up front.”

 “I did. This is a key.”        

 “Are you sure? Maybe it’s a code-reader thingy.”

 Agnes prayed for patience. Her friend worried about everything. She had insisted they be on the ground floor because she didn’t think she could descend a ladder should there be a fire. She practically ran through the airport, afraid they’d miss their connecting flight even though they had a three hour wait. But worst of all, she asked the flight attendant if it was all right if she wore the floatation device when they flew over the ocean because she couldn’t swim.         

 Agnes bent over eye level with the unfamiliar lock on the door and inserted the card into the slot. She tried the handle, but the door was still locked. Puzzled, she withdrew the card and a green light appeared. Hurriedly, before the light went out, she tried the handle again. The door opened. “Ta dah!” She stepped over the threshold. “Wow, would you take a look at this room.”        

 "Mercy, the beds are huge. In all my days, I’ve never seen such luxury.”

 “We much thank Doreen again for telling us about this place.”

“I bet you’re glad we didn’t skip Bible study that day. Is it okay if I take the bed nearest the bathroom?”

“Sure.” Agnes dropped her luggage onto the other bed and began unpacking.

Millie stopped her. “You should never put your belongings on a strange bed until you’ve looked under the mattress for bedbugs.”

"Mill, for heaven’s sake. This is a five-star resort.” Still, just to allay her friend’s concern, she checked both beds. “Nothing. Satisfied?”

“Better safe than sorry.” Millie opened her suitcase and withdrew a plastic bag containing her prescriptions and another bag with an assortment of bottled lotions and creams. “I only brought number fifty sunscreen. Do you think that will be high enough? I’ve heard the UV index is very dangerous here. And in the water you might as well be holding a magnifying glass to your skin.”

Trying to ignore her, Agnes crossed to the window and drew back the curtains to reveal sliding doors. “Wonderful! We can walk out straight onto the beach. We are going to have …” Her voice drifted off to silence.

“Is something wrong?”

Agnes stepped aside. “That depends.”

Her friend looked out the doors and gasped. “Mercy sake’s alive! Agnes, most of those people are naked. This is a nude beach!”

“I think this is what they call a clothing optional beach. I read about it in a travel magazine. You don’t have to go naked, only if you want to.” Agnes stole another glance outside. “Though it looks like most prefer being in the buff.” She began to titter.

Millie sank into the nearest chair. “I don’t see what’s so funny. This holiday was very expensive and now it’s ruined.”

“Oh, it’s not that bad. We can wear clothes. Besides, it’s not as if we haven’t seen a naked body before.”

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