Chapter 4~

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Arthur averted his eyes from his book and sighed and called out for the last time, "America, I am not letting you out!"









Alfred's voice rang out, laughing like a maniac, and he stumbled/ran down the hall. Arms in the air and goofy grin intact, he slid then skidded to a stop as his laughter died down and entered Arthur's living room.

"YOU BETTER MOVE OUT OF MY HOUSE IF THAT WAS WHAT I THINK IT WAS!" England yelled as he slammed his book shut.

"W-well it's......DEFINITELY NOT YOUR BEDROOM DOOR!" America shouted and quickly zipped to sanctuary, and a very pissed off Brit after him.

Arthur's eyes bulged out as he gaped at the doorway. Which, as a matter of fact, had no door. The door was laying flat on the floor, not to mention it had a hole and a crack across the surface.

"ALFRED! FRONT AND CENTER!" Arthur shouted, adding an extra growl, "...Now"

Alfred poked his head out of the room from across the bedroom. He barred his fangs and hissed at him before he muttered, "No, too much sun.."

"Why did you break down my god damn door?!" Arthur shouted and tugged at his hair, freaking out, both inside and out. He paced up and down next to the door, grumbling to himself. "And don't you bare your fangs at me mister!" He added flatly.

"Because there was too much sunlight and you wouldn't let me out.." America mumbled quietly and fiddled with the end of his hoodie.

England gulped as he felt his heart throb, the damn American looked so.... "...Adorable."

The other's head snapped up, his eyes widened and red tinted cheeks, "What..?"

"N-nothing, I'm sorry.." Arthur answered quickly and spun around, his back towards Alfred. "I'll just clean this mess up while you go take a bath, you smell like a bloody piece of meat" He retorted with a snort, desperately trying to cover up his thought that was so rudely spoken out by himself.

"Okay, but you gotta get me some clothes first!" Alfred exclaimed loudly, quickly returning to his normal self as he stepped out a bit.

Arthur nodded and scrambled to his closet, swinging it open. He fumbled deep within his formal clothes, in which he believes is normal, and finally reached it. His old clothes from his punk phase. He pulled out the biggest t-shirt, that had spikes and chains connected from the shoulders to the chest, and a pair of jeans, that also had chains and rips.

"What in the bloody hell was wrong with me in those days...?" Arthur asked himself as he walked back towards Alfred. "Here," He said with a huff and threw the clothes at him.

"Wha- I don't wanna wear this!" Alfred exclaimed as his brows furrowed, "This isn't my style!"

Arthur had a smug grin worn on his face as he replied cooly with a slight shrug, "That's the only thing big enough for you to wear"

Alfred huffed and stumbled into the bathroom, accidentally ramming right into the door. "Shit..I really need my glasses.." He grumbled and rubbed his head as he slammed the door closed.

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