Lilac lends a hand?

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Yet again I do not own Servamp or the characters.Just this story.

At last Kuro had reached the floor above the basement.It wasn't difficult for him to see where he was,an old not too large yet somewhat fancy apartment building.(Of course,a few months ago an apartment was bought.Tsubaki must of bought it for him and his subclass.)He realized looking around.The sound of voices approaching him made him take cat form and hide.There was no time for fighting unless absolutely necessary.He watched with narrow eyes as he saw a certain pink haired magician,and a white haired man with an eyepatch walked by taking. "I should go check on Tsu Tsu."Belkia said in a high pitched cheerful voice. "The young master wishes not to be disturbed.He and the liar are with the eve of sloth at the moment."Shamrock stated.

Kuro's eyes widened.(The liar..wait he doesn't mean Sakuya??) Kuro's anger began to grow,while at the same time his body slightly shivered with fear.(No,I cannot worry right now cannot give in to the fear.) He decided.But if Sakuya was here,then that meant he had betrayed Mahiru.His so called friend had basically sold him to his enemy.Kuro was furious.If anything happens to Mahiru,he didn't care,he would kill Sakuya.

He slipped quietly pass the two subclass and followed the trail of Mahiru's aura.He was on the top floor of the apartment it seemed.If this was the same apartment Kuro thought it was minus the downstairs garage/storage like basement there was only three stories.He began slowly up the stairs hoping,no praying no one would see him.Unfortunately for him,someone did.A small pastel pink haired boy with bandage wrap up his arm saw Kuro,and recognized him.As Kuro kept walking,he saw a shadow standing over him.(So troublesome..)He thought turning around to face Lilac.

Lilac looked at him oddly,yet for some reason didn't call for the other subclass' attention. The child rubbed his arm nervously looking away,then spoke. "Mahiru is on the top floor,apartment 3E.Just don't let them know I helped you."He said softly looking down sadly. "What?"Kuro asked in shock.(Was this a trap,or was he actually trying to help me?) "Mahiru was nice,he saved me.I don't know if you can save him or not,but I feel I should return the favor and help you at least.I cannot do anything myself even if I wanted,I am too weak.But if there is any hope you are it." Lilac said then turned around and left Kuro standing there slightly puzzled.

Though what he said made sense in away.If not for Mahiru Hyde would of killed Lilac.And he returned the favor by betraying Mahiru;s trust and almost getting Hyde killed.Perhaps this was his way of repenting.Kuro couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for Lilac,and realized perhaps Mahiru's trusting nature wasn't always a bad thing.He smiled and ran up the stairs. Top floor apartment 3E.There was no time to waste,because he could feel Mahiru was slipping.What little strength his eve had was almost gone.And if he didn't get help in time he might die...or worse become a subclass.

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