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So, YES I am posting a fanfiction even though my other two are on hold. YES I feel pretty dumb for doing it. But guess what? I REGRET NOTHING! XD Ahaha....

I am almost halfway through writing it anyways so I decided I might as well post it considering I've been spending more time on my collab with Kayla on her account rather than tending to my own. I'm horrible, I know -____-' I KNOW IM BAD OKAY?!?! LEAVE ME ALOONE!

Whoops, sorry... Please excuse my mental breakdown ... This is awkward. I could just delete it but... I don't think I will because.. Yeah I think you already know I'm kind of off so I don't know.. Umm. I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?

What the pineapple is wrong with me today? Ugh, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. OH! So I was laying in my bed the other day cuddling my cat and reading fanfictions... Yeah there's really no point to this I just thought I'd say that... OH but he thinks I'm crazy now because I was laughing and he just... He gave me THAT look. *shudders* He's really good at that.

Okay I'll stop talking now ! I hope you give my fanfiction a try, First Chappy, blurb, and the cover will be up later on today. OH ! It's a Niam beeteedubs. Otay I'll go get a workin'.

Forever & Always <33


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