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A new story me and @LALALA1803 are going to write together. We hope you all like it. 

Comment, vote, fan! <3


The adrenaline was rushing through my veins. I couldn’t stop the grin that was spreading across my face. I bet this is how someone felt when they got high. I couldn’t think straight, the only thing on my mind was: winning. I sat on my board and saw the wave with hawk eyes, not daring to blink in case I missed something. Out of the corner of my left eye I saw the girl in the black rash guard, Samantha I think, start to paddle.

 ‘Too early’ I thought. She would get tired before the wave had the chance to speed up her board. As soon as the wave was at the right place I started paddling with all my strength, there was no way in hell I would miss this wave. It was perfect. The inclination was just right, it had the perfect strength, and it would get me to number 1 no doubt. As soon as I felt the wave speed my board I stood up. My goal was to get inside the tube, outrun it and do a perfect jump. That would give me the amount of points I needed to go from number 2 to number 1.

 “The pink rash guard rides the wave!” I heard one of the announcers say and the crowd went wild.

 “Go Leah!!!” My best friend Liam, who was one of the judges, screamed through the microphone making the people near the speakers wince and shout a couple of colorful words. He wasn’t supposed to cheer for anyone in particular or take preference in a competitor, but knowing him I’m surprised he didn’t do it sooner.

 I was almost out of the tube when something I hadn’t thought of happened. The wave came crashing down on me, making me lose my balance and fall from my board. I turned every possible way until I had no idea which way was up and which way was down. With my bad luck instead of going up I went deeper. My lungs were about to explode due to lack of air and to make matters worse my board got caught between two corals. Next thing I saw was pitch black, and I passed out.

 My own coughs woke me up. I was lying on something hard, yet soft at the same time. A pair of strong arms flipped me sideways and water came out of my mouth like if I were a freaking fountain. I tried opening my eyes but the bright sunlight made me shut them again. My chest ached; it felt like if Hulk had stepped on it repeatedly.

 “Leah? Hey Leah, it’s okay.” A distant voice said.

 “Please open your eyes. The sun will only bother for a second.” A deeper voice said, right next to my ear. I did as I was told and squinted at the brightness, but like the person next to me said, it bothered for only a couple of seconds. As soon as I could see properly I took in my surroundings. A bunch of people formed a circle around me eyeing me with concerned looks on their faces.

 I frowned. “What happened?”

 “The wave hit you pretty hard. It made you lose your balance and you fell.”

 It dawned on me like a bucket of ice cold water. I could have died! But for some reason I didn’t.

 “Why didn’t I resurface though? I remember I almost drowned.” I asked confused.

 The guy next to me scratched the back of his head. His fingers gripping his messy, black hair.

 “I believe you got caught in a riptide. The wave’s strength and the riptide caused you to lose your sense of orientation. Lucky for you I’m a lifeguard, therefore I saved you.” He finished his sentence with a playful smile.

 “You saved me?” I said sitting up.

 “Indeed.” He replied with a fake british accent. A cute one. Suddenly my face felt hot. ‘Crap I’m blushing’. My day couldn’t get any better. Not.

 My mom came rushing towards me. “Honey! I was so worried about you. My poor baby.” She hugged me so hard I felt my eyes would come out of their sockets.

 “Mom, I’m fine really. It was no biggie.” I offered a shy smile.

 “That was sort of a big deal… You could have died.” Liam came forward smirking.

 “Glad you find this amusing, idiot.” I mumbled.

 “She’s fine now, you can all go back to enjoying the sunny day. Don’t forget to pass by the pizza stand!” The lifeguard yelled. I yelped at the sudden loud voice. Every single person left, even Liam, who had to keep judging the surfers that were still in the competition, and my mom, who had to look for our dog.

 “Um… Thanks. I think.”

 “Don’t mention it. It’s my job.” The lifeguard said matter-of-factly.

 Embarrassing. “Uh right!” He started walking away.

 “Wait! What’s your name?”

 “Nathaniel. My friends call me Nate.”

 “Oh. I’m-“

 “Leah. I know.” He shrugged.

 “Yep.” I said popping the p. “See you around I guess.” I added awkwardly.

 “Try to stay out of the water for a while.”

 “Oh yeah? How could I resist it?”

 “Well, you could say yes when I ask you to come spend the day with me.”

 “Hypothetically speaking… What would be do?” I asked amused.

 “We would go eat ice cream and then to a bonfire some friends are doing tonight.”


 Smirking he said “I haven’t asked you yet.” Douche.

 “Good because I’m changing my mind.”

 “No!.. I mean Would you come with me?”

 “Sure, stranger.” I said. He smiled and nodded towards the pier, already walking ahead of me. We walked into the ice cream shop and immediately ordered. I had a vanilla milkshake and he had an ice cream cone with three different flavors. In the end he didn’t let me pay for my milkshake and accidentally, or so he said, his ice cream touched my hair. He stopped laughing and removed the ice cream from my brown hair.

 When we exited the ice cream shop it was already 5:00 pm and we started walking towards the bonfire some guys were setting up. At 6:30 pm the bonfire was crowded and noisy and the beach was full of drunken teenagers lying around. We spent another half hour just swimming despite it was already dark. When the winter air started getting a little chilly, even though we were in California, we decided to get out of the water and dry ourselves.

 I opened my bag and texted Liam.

 Who won the competition?

 The guy that won was Dave :P the girl that won was Samantha

 Oh cool! :) 

 U would’ve won u know?

 Yeah whatever… gotta go ill text u later

 “I think I probably should go home. It’s already 8 and I’m sort of tired.”

 “Sure. I had fun. See you around.” He smiled.

 “I had fun too and sure. Bye.” I turned around and left, wanting to see him tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. I never did.

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