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11:13 AM

"I'll carry you." I grabbed Bella's hips, her laughter filling the air as I pulled her back into me.

"No! That can mess up your knees. I don't mind walking."

"We should have driven."

"Well we can do that next time." She smiled, skipping in front of me, her curly ponytail swishing from side to side - you know, the usual. "I'm probably going to have sand in my shoes."

"Hey, I told you I could carry you."

"You just want to show off your muscles - and your tattoos."

"Maybe I just want to show off my girlfriend." I teased, grabbing her again. "You're little tiedye bow is cute."

"I like bows." She giggled, reaching up for it. "I have a lot."

"I know you do. You're the definition of a girly girl."

"And our daughter will be too."

My head perked up at that, a blush evident on her cheeks while I looked at her.

"You want a girl?" I asked her, taking her hand from her side.

"Well yeah. I guess you want a boy, right?"

"Yeah, I mean eventually, but I want a girl too. I'd love a little girl."

"I'd put bows in her hair all the time. Especially when her hair is at that little stage where it's not long enough to put up in a ponytail, so it would just be that little bit that would stick up on top of her head, like Pebbles."

"You've really thought about this a lot, haven't you?"

"No." She mumbled, looking away. "Ok, maybe a little."

"We never really talk about it...so I was just wondering." I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand, walking with her up the sand and towards the pier.

"Here, now you can give me a piggy back ride." She let go of my hand, going behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Of course when we're going up hill."

"Oh come on, you've been running. Work those calf muscles."

"Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?" I groaned, reaching down for her legs. "Hop on."

"Thank you." Bella giggled, kissing my cheek as I started walking. "You're very handsome."

"She says as I carry her up a hill."

"You are. You are, you are."

"And you're beautiful."

She laughed, kissing my cheek again and then my neck.

"Wow, that's the board walk. I didn't even realize it was right here." She said, pointing down the beach.

"Well we can have a nice lunch, whether it's up here on the pier or down on the board walk. If we go on the board walk I'm sure we could take it down to the beach. We could save the restaurant for a date night if you wanted."

"And when would we do that?"

"How about next Saturday night?"

"Ok." She nodded quickly as I set her down, holding onto my arms. "Thank you for my piggy back ride."

"You're welcome. Now you owe me. Would you like to eat first...explore first?"

"Are you hungry?"

"A little..."

"Well do you know what I'm really craving?"

"What?" I asked, pulling her against my chest, moving my hands along the small of her back.

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