Too Late- Ianthony

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Anthony smiled, fixing his tie and looked around for Ian in the dressing room with a sigh.

"Ian come out. I'm sure you look fine." Anthony yelled excitedly and at that same moment, he saw Ian step out with a shy grin, looking down at the floor as if to avoid eye contact.

"Do i look okay?" He breathed, shaking in nerves. Even though it wasn't Ian's wedding, he wanted it perfect for Anthony.

"You look just fine." Anthony winked playfully and he fixed Ian's tie gently.

"I'm so happy for you." Ian smiled up at Anthony feeling slightly sad for some reason.

"Thank you I can't wait to see you and Mel get married." Anthony laughed, checking himself out in the mirror, feeling a slight sadness at the thought.

"Yeah me too." He forced a smile as he looked at the clock, knowing it was two hours until the wedding, he sighed. His chest hurt so he sat down.

"Hey kinda need to talk to you about something." Anthony said, not looking at Ian as he stared in the mirror not wanting to see Ian's face.

" Sure anthing man actually i have a idea for a new episo-" Ian was cut short by Anthony

" I'm quitting smosh." Anthony blurted out as he felt the thick sadness fill the air and he looked at Ian finally.

" What?" Ian choked out with watery eyes as he felt his wolrd falling apart,anthony sighed.

" Look man i just kalel wants to settle down and move aw-" Anthony tries explaining but Ian cuts him off.

" NO!" Ian screamed at with sadly as he felt tears running down his cheek.

" exsuse me?: Anthony asked rasing a eye brow as he went to hug Ian but Ian pushed him roughly.

" No you can't just leave like that what about smosh? What about the fans? What about me?" He whispered the last part brokenly and looked down.

" Ian we are getting older im 27 for crying out loud it's time to grow up." Anthony sighed as he tried comforting Ian.

"  where are you moving to?" Ian sighed knowing he wouldn't win this fight,

" Japan maybe florida." Anthony bit his lip as he shuffled his feet.

" So thats it you're just going to leave like that ?" Ian asked his voice full of sadness.

" Well kal-" Anthony starts but is cut off again.

" It's always about Kalel shes all you think about!" Ian yelled in Anthony's face as Anthony gulped.

" She's the love of my life." Anthony sighed as he backed up and ian turnedaway.

" of course she is." ian grumbled and walked to the door.

" Where are you going?" Anthony asked with a slight break in his voice.

" I'm leaving."

Too Late- IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now