Cheating on 1D

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As his soft warm lips kissed me his tung slotted into my mouth it moved slowly around the edge of my check. I then slowly departed his lips i told him he had to stop. i was in love with harry not louis it felt so wrong cheating on Harry we had been dating for 1 year and i loved him so much. Harry didn't know but louis did and i didn't want Harry to find out but louis told me that Harry would never find out. I didn't believe him and I knew that one of the boys would find out, but My mind had gone hay wire so i told its ok and he moved in for another kiss i saw my relation ship Harry past by my eyes i was in love with Harry but louis was just such a beautiful kisser i just couldn't resist. i couldn't resist but Harry i couldn't i loved Harry why would i cheat on him for louis. I wasn't going to kiss him but then be for i could say a thing louis bend forward his soft heaven like lips linked into mine i felt so guilty. after weed been kissing for about 3 minutes we were interrupted by Harry shouting i thought you were my girlfriend. i quickly unhooked my lips from Louis and look at Harry in the eyes i didn't no what to do i knew i shouldn't of been kissing him. As i slowing walked back i saw Harry walk over to Louis i didn't know what to do, my body went into shock i just stood there and watch Harry and Louis beat each other up. As Harry pounded Louis in the stomach the rest of the boys can out Nile was shouting at Harry begging him to stop but then as Harry stop Louis stood up and kicked Harry in the back. Harry flew to the ground he had tears running down his face i didn't know what to do so i just stayed there, when Harry stood up i looked at him he had blood dripping down his mouth it was broken but as he walked away he looked me in the eyes and said that his jaw might be broken his heart was in pieces. it was the most romantic quote that i had herd. I started to cry i don't no what just happened i think he dumped me but i couldn't be sure.

All of the boys came over they stood around me i didn't know what to say so i stayed quite it was silent for a minute or two.

"why did you kiss Louis, Maddie"asked Liam

thoughts raced throw my mind i didn't know what to say.

" I didn't want to but Louis told me that Harry would never find out and that it was our little secret" i told him.

" Its all my fault I shouldn't off started hooking up with his girlfriend" panted Louis

" No its not it also mine" i said to try and make him feel better

" The bands over cya i'm leaving I'm sick of you guys anyway" shouted Louis

Louis ran out of the house i saw him drive off out of the yard, deep down i new that this was all my fault but Zayn told me that it was all going to be ok.

I decided that it was late and that i may as well get some sleep so i walked of to mine and used to be harry's room.

"were all going to head down to shops tomorrow would you like to come" whispered Nile

"no im fine ill see you tomorrow when you come back" i whispered back

'ok good night dont let the bed bugs bite" Nile said

As i lay back into bed I started to have massive headache i didn't really care so i slowly drifted of into a deep sleep.


I woke up a six m i needed to go to the bathroom as i walked down the hall i saw Zayn and

Liam walking out the front door to go shopping. as i walked it the bath room i raced to the sink and started to vomit up blood it tasted gross but it looked even worse the blue red blood slowly made it way down the bowl i didn't stop till about six minutes later i didn't know what to do so i walk out into the kitchen to find my phone so i could call Harry.\

"oh my god your bleeding" Nile screamed

"holy shit your still here' i screamed

"yer I'm not going with the boys" Nile explained

"ok i just chucked blood up" i cried

"wait what" Nile said in confusion

i looked at him he's eyes grew bigger and bigger.

"you need to go to a hospitable so they can do shit to you " nile yelled

he picked me up and ran out into the car before i knew it he was driving me down to the hospitable then before i knew it i told him.

" Nile i think i'm pregnant " i shouted

He looked at me in shock i didn't o what do do so i told him to keep driving i didn't want to have Harrys baby i was so young and i had my whole life to live. I wanted to call Harry but he wouldn't answer his phone Nile didn't say a thing until we arrived at the hospital.

"this girl need to see a doctor now" nile yelled

"ok the next doctor will be ready in 5 minutes, May i have the girls name" asked the lady at the counter

"Maddie" Nile told her

"Maddie the boys and i have a show tonight do you have any fiends that can take you home later or stay with you till you get the result's if your pregnant" nile questioned

I didn't have a lot of friends but i had one who always had my back, Niamh. after talking to her on the phone she told me that she would be coming down to see how i went.

"Maddie" the doctor called

"yer thats me" i whispered

i walked into the doctor office i told him about the vomiting up blood he look at me oddly and told me he had to take a few test the first test i had to pee in a cup After i had peed in the cup he took a blood sample it felt really funny when he took out the blood in the last test he did some basic stuff like shine a light in my eye and stuff like that.He told me it would take around six hours to get my results i decided to stay if it was anything bad that they needed to do something to fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2012 ⏰

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