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Gods are real. Yes, gods as in plural - polytheism. Not the Greek gods or the Egyptian gods or even the Sumerian gods. The Empyran gods. Yes, I didn't know what the hell they were, too, until just recently.

What are Empyrans, you ask? We are the epitome of unbelievable. Demigods, descendants of gods, half-bloods. Whatever you want to call us. It all comes down to one thing: we have supernatural powers that Mortals don’t possess.

Hi, my name is Brooke. I am an Empyran. Most of our powers are all different from one another, which means they manifest at varying times of our lives. My powers chose to reveal themselves one typical school day during Biology class. Let’s just say, the teacher was not amused when the dead frogs we were supposed to dissect hopped off our desks, very much alive.

Welcome to my life.

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