Chapter 5 - Babe

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The evening of the 26th of June 2010

Hermione POV:

"Draco what is it which you would want to speak about here?" I asked my husband who was sitting on one the couch's, I stood a metre away from him.

"Well I just wanted to see my wife, is that too much to ask for?" he said while standing up, and taking 2 steps to me till he was only a few centimetres away from my face, his eyes looked at my lips before he looked down my body, I blushed.

"No not at all, but right here in the lobby of our hotel?"

"Yes, the ball will be in less than 24 hours and we will be publicly announced, and I want to discuss a few things about it, come let's sit down." he said.

"But what about the people outside, and our kids, it is getting cold."

"Let the kids come in and your parents. And the others will use the stairs to get upstairs."

"Okay let me inform Max really quick," I used my work phone to call Max, who was standing on the other side of the door.

M: Hello?

H: Hi Max, your speaking with Hermione.

M: Miss Granger, what can I do for you?

H: Please let my parents and kids come into the hotel and let the guards escort the rest of the family to the back entrance and let them take the stairs.

M: Of course, was that all?

H: Yes, thank you Max.

I hung up the phone and put it back into my clutch. The kids came into the room with my parents not a second later.

"Dad" the kids yelled in unison. While running to their father and giving him a hug.

"Hey kids, how is it going?" Draco asked Scorp.

"Yeah good, Mum's cousins are really annoying but, when we have the ball and when they will know that you are our dad, they will stop being weird." Scorp said, he was really smart for his age he has my smartness and Draco's good looks.

"I'm sure they will now go upstairs with your Grandparents and they will put you to bed we will be up in half an hour."

"Okay" they said before joining my parents to take the private elevator to our suite.

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" Draco asked me.

"Sure" I replied before giving him cheeky kiss on the lips. I followed Draco to one of the main elevators, we stepped in, he pressed the top most button but that was the level underneath us. We stayed in silence every couple of seconds looking at each other and smiling. We reached the top floor he took me to the stairs on the other side of the elevator and we climbed a good 5 flights of stairs till he opened a door and I walked out.

"Wow" was all I could say, we were on the roof top of the hotel, "It's beautiful"

"Yeah, I had it put under charms and spells so only people with magic will be able to see the door which led us out here," he conjured a sofa, he sat down and I sat next to him placing my legs over his lap.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"The ball, I wanted to run through how we will do it"

"Okay, that sounds good to me, explain"

"So, the ball will start with everyone arriving at 5, and then you arrive 10 minutes later, walking down the grand stair case in the ballroom. I will be waiting backstage, with the children. At 6 an announcer will announce for me to come up, I will talk for a bit before, before asking you to come up, but at that point you will be my CEO, before I announce you to be my wife and then we share a kiss, you will call out for the children, and they will join us upon the stage, how does that sound?"

"Perfect, I can't wait to see my families faces, well except for my parents."

"Yeah, it really will be perfect, won't it"

"Yes, it will."

"Do you have a dress yet?" Draco asked me.

"Yes and no, I have one but I am thinking of buying a nicer one. Do you have your suit?"

"Yes, I just need to pick it up from the dry cleaners here in London."

"Oh Good, let's go downstairs before we get to tired"

"Okay, Babe."

"That's been a while since you called me that."

"Yeah, but I want to go back to our teenage years and be like that more often but with work it is really hard to spend quality time with you."

"Yeah it is, but we are going to have to make time, because family always comes before work."

"Yeah definitely" Draco replied. At this point we were heading back down the main elevator before the doors opened and we crossed the reception to our private elevator. Back at the suite, we both plopped down in bed after getting dressed in our pyjamas and we both instantly fell asleep.

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