Chapter 2:

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"Dewey why can't you mind your own business?"Louie asked.

"It's  just as much my business as it is yours!"Dewey argued,

"Guys there's no point fighting about this!"Huey said, "Just take a second to-"

"Stay out of this!"Dewey said to Huey.

This argument continued For about a minute, minima had just about enough and looked at webby "Are they always like this?"She asked.

Webby rolled her eyes "pretty much on the daily"She answered.

"HEY!"Minima yelled, They all stopped and looked at Minima She smiled in a mimicking way  and spoke in a gentle  manner "I will explain why I'm hear"She said calmly then rose her voice and yelled "As soon as you zip it!". They all stopped talking and listened.

"Thank you"She said rudely "The reason I'm here is because my mother had something to do with the spear of Seline "She explained "Does that sound familiar?"She asked.

"What?"Dewey asked "How do you know about that?"He asked.

"Wait how do YOU know about it?"Huey asked Dewey right back.


"Dewey!" both Huey and Louie yelled.

"Ok ok you were going to find out eventually, Webby and I have been trying to find out about mom"Dewey explained.

"What?"Huey asked.

"Please don't be mad at Dewey"Webby said "it was just as much my fault"She said.

"So this is why you had our photo!"Louie  interrupted, ignoring Webby all together.

"So you did steal it"Dewey said to Louie.

"Actually Webby's the one who stole it!"He said.

"I gave it to her"Dewey explained.

"What?"Huey asked

"Then your the Thief"Louie said, "We only have one picture of our mom and you give it away!"

"I did it so we could find her!"Dewey said.

"Brothers aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other dewferd!"Huey said.

"Speaking of which what was in the envelope?"Minima asked.

"What envelope?"Dewey asked.

"Minima no offense but get lost!"Louie said.

"fine I'll just get myself something to drink from your fridge"She said.

"There's juice in there help yourself"Huey said.

"cool"Minima replied and went to the kitchen.

"Guys can we please stop fighting about this?"Webby asked

"stay out of this!"Louie said "You're not part of this!"

"No!"webby said "I'm just as much part of this as you three are!"

"Webby can you please let us talk to Dewey alone, it's a family thing"Huey said

"Fine since I'm not part of this family anyway"She said then stormed out.

"Webby that's not-!"Dewey tried to explain but she had already left.

"Dewey brothers don't lie to each other and we don't keep secrets!"Louie said.

"But it's ok for you to lie all the time?"Dewey asked.

"When have I ever lied to you?"He asked.

"Ok Louie what envelope was Minima talking about?"Huey asked.

"That's it I'm out of here!"He said.

Webby stomped to the kitchen completely enraged,She grabbed some juice and sat next to Minima mumbling.

"So the Boy Scouts kicked you out too?"Minima asked

"Yeah"Webby sighed, after a slight second of awkward silence webby asked "So how do you know louie?"

"Oh yeah we met when he got kidnaped"She said "I was also taken prisoner".

"Oh.."Then they heard a door slam "Should we talk to them?"Minima asked "of course by we I mean you"She said.

"I'll talk to Dewey ok?"Webby asked.

"Sure...who's Dewey?"

Before she answered she found Dewey in her room sitting on the floor looking through the file with Della "Hey!"Webby said.

"I didn't get it, why don't they want to know about her?"Dewey asked.

"I don't know"Webby sat on the Floor next to him.

"I'm sorry I got you into this"Dewey said.

"It's fine, I'm glad you did I mean I always wanted to know about Della!"She said.

"I meant the argument"He said.

"Oh...well that's fine"she said awkwardly it was silent for a while but then Dewey started to speak.

"Why do you want to know about my family anyway?"Dewey asked.

"Because it's so interesting"She said.

"But don't you want to learn about your own family?"He asked.

"Not really"webby said "Can you please try to fix this?"Webby asked.

"you're right webs I will"He said "I'll let them calm down then I'll talk to them".

After a while Dewey went to talk to them while webby kept minima company.

"Guys can we just talk about this?"Dewey asked.

"Talk about what dewferd?"Louie asked "You lying or keeping secrets?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about mom. I just didn't want to get you hopes up about it, Can we please move on from this?"Dewey asked.

"Sure"Huey said "But from now on we got to be honest with each other"Huey said and the other two agreed.

"I think we should help minima on her quest to find her mom, Especially since we could find ours aswell"Dewey said.

"Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge won't tell us who she is and I think there's a reason"Louie said.

"Then let's find out that reason!"Huey stated.

They agreed and went back to minima and webby, 

"Minima?"Huey said

"We leave first thing in the morning 3:00Am before anyone is awake!"Dewey said.

"Tomorrow morning!"Minima said agreeing.

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