Chapter 7: Love Guides The Wandering Star

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The interface serum dissolved, and Margritte tumbled through screaming sub-sets of time and space. Geometric patterns fizzled into darkness around her. The void collapsed to a single point, then slowly dilated to a shining fissure in the black infinity before her. Tremendous currents swept her through it, and she crashed back into her own mind. The Psychometer emitted a shrill hum.

Screams. Shouting. The Professor's mad laughter. The stench of sulfur and panic stung her nose.

When she finally opened her eyes, she cried out in surprise. Her legs and arms had grown longer. Her skin was a glittering pale gray, the hue and texture of polished stone. Psi-force raged within her. She now possessed the heightened senses of a Skyscraper-Incarnate. Thick black-woven Incarnate armor adorned her body. She glanced at the telescreen and saw her new form. She had the same features, but a much larger physique-- at least a meter taller. A tiered silver Art Deco crown curved around her head, chiseled with the scalloped arcs and inset triangles of one of Manhattan's most famous architectural wonders.

Scheisse...I'm Chrysler. The Incarnate and I have become one. The skyscraper-woman's energy sword hung from Margritte's wide black belt. She stretched her fingers and struggled against the steel restraints at her wrists and ankles. The metal bent, groaned, and finally snapped away from her immense new strength.

The Singularity Arena had erupted into chaos. Teslectric currents sizzled around the Psychometer and crackled around the stage. The judges ran from their desk and headed for the nearest stage exit. Beyond the platform, the audience milled through the stands, crushing each other in their attempts to flee. Looming like a primordial titan over the pandemonium, Professor Waldengrave spread his arms and grinned.

"Yes! Run, you American curs," the Professor yelled. "Behold the might of the Reich, come now to destroy you from within."

The psi-portal spiraled in a brilliant flux in the sky. Light and shadow blended into a blood-curdling symbol at its apex--a giant swastika made of psi-force, red and baleful above the arena.

Margritte lurched to her feet, swaying as she adjusted to her new stature, then she reached for the sword hilt. The blade extended in a long column of reverberating energy.

Movement blurred behind her. A lean figure swooped to her side--a woman clutching a long-handled scythe.

Margritte's heart leaped in recognition. "Fray!"

Fray smirked. "It's Francine Melaka to scum like the Party. But I much prefer the name you gave me, doll." She winked. "Let's show this Nazi bastard how his Frankenstein tinkerings with the multiverse have changed us."

They sprang toward the Professor with their weapons brandished.

Professor Waldengrave whirled to face them. He flung his long coat open, revealing a metallic breastplate wired with flashing Teslectric circuitry. His fingers triggered a small brass switch on his belt, and a barrier of psi-force rose in front of him.

"Fall before the Fuehrer's might!" he bellowed.

The field burst into Fray and Margritte and knocked them to the other side of the stage. Margritte deflected the brunt of the blow with her sword and slid to a crouched position. Fray landed in a sprawl but jumped to her feet quickly.

The portal in the sky brightened, and the giant swastika moved. Stirred. Its crooked arms lengthened and moved. Like a fractured octopus forged in hellfire, it reached toward Margritte and Fray with sparking, voltaic tentacles.

"That's the hub of all evil," Fray shouted. "We've gotta close that thing."

Margritte pointed her blade at the swastika. "Leave it to me." She focused her power and lifted her arms, her sword ablaze. Her Incarnate gift of flight manifested, and she soared toward the portal.

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