"Love at first bite"

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Oh! I remember that first bite,

the first ever bite of ecstasy and joy.

Oh! I remember the first sight,

your sensuous brown complexion.

Oh! I remember how you smelt,

sweet satisfying heavenly fragrance.

Oh! I remember how u melt in my grip,

dripping and flowing drops of elixir.


Enchanted, bewitched and hooked to your ways.

Drawn to and imprisoned in your lustful dark brown world.

It started with a bite and then another, till I found myself licking my fingers.

You introduced my palate to the insatiable gluttonous side in me.

Ever since then my love, you have left me with a sweet addiction.

A tantalizing delight that you are, in each nibble and lick.

You Indulge my craving and adulation for you,

like a faithful companion, an inseparable part of me.

Celebrating the happiness in my triumphs. 

Comforting me through my sadness and trials,

Calming and soothing me through my nervous jitters.

You my adorable chocolate will forever be my first Love.

-Harish Vaid

Thanks for reading this one is for all the Chocolate Lovers :P I Hope you enjoyed reading it. I would love to know your insights, criticism is welcome too :P 

I don't mind if you do not vote :) I just hope my words gave you something in return for your time :P

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