Ichigo Kurosaki

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"I can hear that voice again. What's with all this strong spiritual pressure?" Ichigo wonders as he sits up from his warm soft bed as he stares out the window into the night. "Might as well check it out, there's no use just sitting here." Ichigo grabs a sleeping Kon and shoves his hand into the stuffed animals mouth, retrieving the small green pill and pops it in his mouth as his human body falls back onto his bed snoring loudly, thanks to Kon inheriting his body.

Opening the window the orange haired boy jumps out and flash steps over his neighbors roofs making his way to the park, where he spots a crowd of Hollows in a circle just swaying as if they are in a trance? "What the hell is going on?" Looking around the park he decides to get into the highest (and safest) tree to see what is up with the Hollows. What he spots in the circle stuns him as he sees one of his childhood friends that he hasn't seen in a while. "What the hell is Y/n doing!? They're going to get themselves killed!"

Y/n is in the circle. Surrounded by Hollows. Singing as if there's nothing around them that would hurt them. Y/n smiles and looks around them as if she can see the Hollows surrounding her as she sings softly adding in some spiritual pressure to make sure that the Hollows are entranced by them. As their singing gets louder and stronger Ichigo notices them lift their hand and make a swiping motion as he can hear them mumble, "Glide, Mokusatsu" and the Hollows head's burst as if something decapitated them. This stuns Ichigo as he has no clue what the hell is going on. "You can come out now Ichigo, I know you're here I can sense your spiritual pressure."

Y/n looks towards the tree that he's in and smiles hesitantly. In Y/n's hand Ichigo can see the hilt of a Kodachi by their side. Ichigo leaps out of the tree and walks to his classmate as they're putting their Kodachi into its sheath and looks up at him with that smile. "I'm assuming you're wondering why there were Hollows and why I have a Zanpakuto?" The orange head nods in response. "Well sit down, there's a lot to explain." Y/n makes their way to the swingset and sits in one of the swings while Ichigo just leans against the swing set poles. Y/n looks down at their hands as their head rests against the chain.

"You see, my mom is a shinigami while my dad is human. One day while my mom was on one of her missions to get rid of Hollows she met my dad by pure accident. He was being chased by one of the Hollows and ended up grabbing my mother's arm and dragging her away to "protect" her" Y/n smiles and lets out a small laugh, Ichigo smiles a little and clears his throat looking away with a slight red tint to his face. "Anyway, they got to know eachother better and a few years later I was born, My mother didn't want me to know anything about the Soul Society but that changed when I was attacked by a Hollow a few years ago. I've always been able to see spirits but seeing a Hollow for the first time was different, I was walking home from school just humming and this Hollow came out of nowhere and grabbed me and lifted me to his face, about to eat me, obviously."

Y/n's face became red as they start fidgeting with their fingers. "I remember seeing a flash of orange and remember the Hollow letting out a loud scream as it fades away and I look up and there you are in your Soul Reaper form holding your Zanpakuto and run off to go get another Hollow. I told my mom about what happened and she ended up training me to be able to fight Hollows and protect what's important to me. So I want to thank you Ichigo." Y/n lifts their head up and smile's softly at a bright red Ichigo, "You don't have to thank me Y/n, I try to keep those close to me safe. I've known you for years so I'm going to take care of you, w-when you need help that is." Ichigo looks at the ground to keep his blush from getting darker. He can hear Y/n get up off their swing and walk over to him and poke his cheek to get his attention. "Ichigo if it wasn't you for you I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be able to use my Zanpakuto and go on adventures with the other Soul Reapers! Because of you I have friends now."

Ichigo looks up slightly and sees Y/n looking at him with a bright, genuine smile which makes Ichigo smile a little and look away slightly, "Yeah well you're welcome then Y/n." Y/n lets a small giggle out and kisses the orange head boys cheek and ruffles his hair lightly. "Let's go home Ichigo before you turn into a real strawberry!" Ichigo lets out a grunt and throws Y/n over his shoulder "I'm going to throw you into the river if you don't stop teasing me Y/n!" Y/n lets out a loud laugh as they clutch onto his shoulder, "Don't make promises you can't keep Kurosaki!"

Mokusatsu- meaning to kill with silence (also the name of your Zanpakuto obviously)

Kodachi- a type of Japanese sword, small in size but very light.

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