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I just want to thank you all so much for being so supportive of me and being so completely understanding. I know so many of you have been wanting an update and I appreciate you all giving me the time I needed to mourn. You all are so kind and I love you all so much. In thanks, have this extra long chapter!


*Thors POV*

I rush through the halls of our Kingdom, searching for my brother. If he was also courting (Y/N), then perhaps he knows where she has gone. After what feels like eternity of searching, I find him in the private library, relaxing with a book in his hand.

"Brother," I call out to him, approaching him quickly. 

"What do you want?" He sounds unconcerned and rather annoyed as he speaks, his eyes never leaving the pages of his book. 

"Father has banished Lady (Y/N), and I do not know where she has gone," I explain to him, my words coming out rushed. "Did she tell you where she was going?"

Loki stands quickly, his book falling to the floor as rage flickers across his features. "He did what?" He growls, clenching his fists. 

"You did not know?" I question him, my brows furrowed. "I found her room completely empty, and when I questioned father he said he banished her for not complying to his wishes."

"What wishes?" Loki crosses his arms as he tries to control his anger. He needed to be calm in order to think rationally about where you could have gone. 

"He ordered her to choose one of us to marry."

"Odin should have no control over her emotions," the words came out in a growl as he kicked his book across the room. "It is because of him that we might never see her again."

"I know you are angry brother. Believe me, I am as well," I pause, sighing heavily as I push a strand of my hair out of my face. "But, we must think rationally and calmly if we wish to figure this out. We can deal with father later, but right now we should focus on finding Lady (Y/N)."

"How are we going to do that?" Loki questions, his brows furrowed as he tries to relax. 

"We should ask Heimdall where she has gone. In order for her to leave, she would of had to have gone through the gate."

Loki nods in agreement before exiting the library, me following shortly after him. We walk quickly and silently across the bridge, making our way towards Heimdall. He stands at the entrance, the tip of his sword pressed to the ground as he leans his hand against it. It is quite obvious he was waiting for us, and as we approach he raises his hand to keep us from speaking. 

"You have discovered that she has left," he speaks, his golden eyes looking between us. "I am afraid I cannot tell you where to."

"Why not?" Loki inquires, crossing his arms. 

"I promised her I would not tell you," Heimdall explains, a slight frown on his face. "I do not intend to break that promise. If you wish to find her, you must do it on your own. Her location shall not be revealed by me."

I grab Loki's arm as he begins to move towards Heimdall, his anger showing. Quietly, I speak to him. "Relax, brother. He is not the only person who knows of her location. We will find her soon enough."

Loki simply rips himself from my grasp and walks back towards Asgard, leaving Heimdall and I to stand alone.

"She did not wish to hurt you," Heimdall speaks after a few moments of silence. 

Sighing, I begin to walk away as well. "I know."

*Your POV*

You sit comfortably on the couch in the Avengers tower, quietly sipping a warm cup of tea as the Avengers sit around you. They had accepted your return with open arms, and only chose to question you once you were comfortable enough to speak. 

Love Affairs (Loki X Reader X Thor)Where stories live. Discover now