Ginny makes a mistake

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*I'm sorry in advance for the song choice I couldn't help myself*

"Come on Harry! It's just one dance practice! I'm sure you can sit through that and support me for once!" Scolds Ginny as she runs down the stairs trying to get ready for her dance practice.

Ginny has been taking dance class since she was three, fifteen years later she belongs to one of the most respected dance companies in the world, winning twice in worlds for group and twice in worlds for solo dances, one male and one female. Therefore ranking them the third best dance company in the world, which Ginny thinks, is rather crazy.

Ginny does train though, every day, she even had to stop going to school, her mother, Molly homeschools her. But, Ginny comes from a rather poor family, so when she's not at dance class, she works at Starbucks as much as she can to pay for her rather expensive classes.

"Really Gin? Can't I just stay home, I'll make dinner for when you come home." Harry pleads. He really doesn't want to have to watch a bunch of girls in leggings and sport tops dancing to a song Harry has heard a million and a half times.

"No Harry, as much as you want to fight me on this, I'm forcing you to come with me." Ginny says, her voice trying to remain as calm as possible, her relationship with Harry is already on the rocks as it is, she doesn't want another argument with him. She can't lose him when they've been together for 3 years.

And that's how Harry found himself in the Passenger seat of the car, Ginny's car, on their way to dance class, Ginny's dance class.

    Sitting in the large room across from all the dancers was not the same as what Harry expected, for one the room was so large there were 2 rows of black leather chairs for the company to sit with plenty of room still for the dancers. Harry wouldn't be surprised if they could fit the entire population of London in there with them and there would still be enough room for the dancers.

      Another thing Harry wasn't expecting was that in the midst of the large group of female dancers, there was one male dancer, and he was beautiful.

          He walked around with the confidence and swagger Harry could only wish he had, this dancer had beautiful blond straight hair, about shoulder length. And with his perfect posture, he was at least three inches taller than any of the other dancers. He was slender but still fit and you could see he had been a dancer for a while, if Harry didn't already know he was bisexual, he wouldn't have been surprised at all after looking at the beautiful person he saw if he never dated a girl again.

     No, Harry, you have a girlfriend. But it's not working out and I think I know why now. Harry thought to himself.

     Harry loved Ginny, of course he did, he didn't even know this blokes name.

He wants to learn it though.


After the 2-hour long dance practice was over, or after two hours of watching a certain blond (he danced just like he walked, with confidence and perfect posture) Harry went to go talk to Ginny and congratulate her on how well she did, but the thing is, he was so encaptured with the blond's dancing, he forgot to pay any attention to Ginny.

   Too late, she's walking over here now.

  "Hey Harry! How do you think I did? Wasn't it worth it coming to see me dance? You looked so interested in what we were doing the entire time. You should come back next week!"
Ginny was clearly excited to see harry

   "You did fantastic, babe, the only thing is, I didn't know blokes were allowed to dance here too." Harry states in confusion

  "Oh the blond? That's Draco Malfoy, his parents own the place, they're bloody wealthy alright, actually Draco is the number one male dancer in the world! When we went to worlds, he won for a solo and he won in two group dances. He really is brilliant Harry." Ginny rants. Harry just listened in amazement at how perfect this beautiful person really was, and he wasn't thinking about Ginny.

    Draco Malfoy. He thinks, what a perfect name for such a perfect person.

*sorry this chapter was so short, I'll make the rest a bit longer!*

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