Chapter Seventeen

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The girl, who I assume to be Thalia, leans against the banister and looks out over us. She's sizing us up. Her beach blonde hair falls in waves around her circular, peach face and down to her ribs. Thalia wears a dark purple bodycon dress and tall, black heels. She looks pretty good.

And then she starts chanting, staring right at me. I get scared and fumble to untie Dean.

"What are you going to do to her?" Sam screams. He runs at Thalia, hands outstretched for her neck, and she stops with a glare towards Sam.

Suddenly, my stomach hurts as if someone put a bunch of bricks in there - or marbles. I start to cough up marbles. It gets harder and harder to breath, and Dean drags me over to sit against the wall. The marbles keep flowing from my mouth, from my lungs, and the weight in my stomach just gets heavier. Sam pulls a gun on Thalia, and I squeeze my eyes shut. The pain is just too much.

"Stay with me, Chrys," Dean whispers beside me. He sounds so guilty and helpless.

"You have 3 seconds to lift the spell, or I'm pulling the trigger," Sam says sternly. He adjusts his grip on the gun against the girl's head, and she smirks.

"Do it," she taunts, moving only her eyes to look at Sam. "It's not going to save her or her baby."

"Baby?" Dean stands up and glares at Thalia. "You're bluffing."

She ignores him. My vision blurs with darkness, and the voices sound fainter. There are so many marbles I can't even inhale. I cough in an attempt to ease the pain in my burning lungs, and in my stomach, but it doesn't do much.

"Then how the hell do we save her?" Sam asks. He presses the gun further into the side of Thalia's head. I fall over to the side, too weak to sit up, and find that I'm not laying on the marbles that were there; they're all gone. I can breathe again, and my stomach no longer hurts. Well, it's a little sore, but I can deal with that. Dean helps me up, and I keep my eyes locked on Thalia... if looks could kill.

"Explain yourself," Sam says to her, like an angry parent.

"You wouldn't shoot me. You're too sof-," her voice is interrupted by a gunshot. Sam shot her in the leg. Thalia cries out in pain, and Dean and I drag her into the chair and tie her down.

"I'm not killing you until after we get answers," Sam says more calmly.

"Then I guess I won't give answers," she replies with a giddy grin. Sam glances to Dean; Dean raises his eyebrows, and then glances to me. I glance at the two of them.

"Spellbook," Dean says simply in response to my confused look. I look around the room and walk over to the far wall where books are. Then I pick up one and flip it over so I can read the title. There's no title, so I open it up to the silk bookmark that's placed in between the pages. It's a torture spell. With a smirk, I turn on my heel and walk back over to the boys and Thalia. Sam holds out a hand for the book, and I give it to him opened on the page. He frowns before glancing up at me.

"That's not what we need," he says. "But I think what we need is somewhere in here..." While he flips through the pages, I walk around beside Dean. He's staring hard at Thalia.

"Take a picture," she says. "It'll last longer. I can't really pose, though." Thalia glances down at her bound feet. Dean looks over at me, and I look over at him.

"Did you know you were pregnant before she said something?" Dean asks, pointing to Thalia. Sam looks awkwardly over at the two of us.

"No," I say as I look down at the cement floor.

"Look at me when you say it," Dean says roughly. Slowly, I move my gaze up to meet his.

"No," I repeat. I shouldn't be lying to Dean.

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