Profile Page

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Please leave a comment with something about yourself and I will add it to the profile page. You don't have to give anything beyond a preferred name you want to be called. You can be as detailed or vague as you want, no questions asked!


Nick Uskoski. I'm 22, University graduate and ambassador/moderator on Wattpad, as well as a featured author for my serial work Sigma/Star. I live in Toronto, Canada with my wife and otherwise goof around reading manga. 


@winterstar5: I'm Erica. I'm one of the editors for Infinite Jump. I love reading, writing, and photography (although the order changes). I met my husband role playing online, in a game called DragonRealms. It was a text based MUD, so it was like actually being in a book. We have three awesome kids. I've been known to play Minecraft with my boys. (They had to rescue me on my first day because I climbed up very high and couldn't figure out how to get back down.) I currently play Wizard101 with an assortment of family memebers.

@linsy13: I'm Linsy. I'm an editor. I'm thirteen, so I guess I'm younger than most of you. I am going into high school this year, and I'll be 14 in August. I started a creative writing club at my school this last year, and I was the president of it. I write romance, but I love to read just about anything. My current plans are to study English Literature in college, but that could change in four years. I act at a local dinner theater, so I guess you could say I'm a semi-professional actress. I also play soccer.


@katherynn: Katherynn. I'm eighteen, but soon to be nineteen this August. I'm currently in college, working on a double major in English/Theatre with a minor in Creative Writing. I am a huge lover of all things Japanese and video games-great traits that I share with my wonderful fiancé. I am a Contributor for Infinite Jump.

@hugthedragons: Ella. I'm a proud writer, and artistic jack-of-all-trades with a love of dragons food. I live in my own little fantasy, occasionally popping my head out of the clouds to use this magical light box they call a computer, 'cause there's no wi-fi up there. Contributor for Wattpad, to be writing Run soon.

@astradq: I'm Mary. I'm seventeen and in the IB program at my school. I hope to major in Neurology and minor in Creative Writing in college so that I can write truly terrifying stories about psychological horror. It's a bit morose, I know. I'm a self-proclaimed otaku, deeply into anime and manga...and I'm a contributor for Infinite Jump with my story "The Power Struggle."

@mihehehe: I'm Jonathan. I'm nineteen (turning 20 this 28) and I am studying as an IT in our school. I like to draw mangas and comics as well as to write and read stories mostly about fantasy or comedy. I can also play some instruments only if I'm really bored. :) I am a contributor for Infinite Jump with my story "The Diamond Dagger" :)

@Daawesomemee: I, Jen, am a Contributor for Infinite Jump with a story I'm trying to come up with a good title for. I'm 16, so I'm still kinda young. I'm one of those students who could possibly make it into an Ivy League school if I tried, but I don't try and instead invest most of my time into my writing. If I'm not writing, I'm usually just roleplaying, browsing through Tumblr, or daydreaming. Sometimes, I feel pressured to be an amazing writer because I spend so much time with it, but I personally feel barely adequate at best.

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