New additions to the family -- 3 years

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Not many to go now! This one is dedicated to ohhicharlottee, since I'm not sure it's possible for anyone to have been more enthusiastic about these right from the start! ;)

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3 years

“Come on, I’ll help, and then you can clamber into bed.”


“Ellie, do as you’re told, please,” Benedict raised an eyebrow sternly, pre-empting his daughter and moving to block her exit by standing in the doorway.

“I DON’WAN TO!” Eloise yelled, crossing her arms across her chest.

“Eloise, I’m only going to ask once more and then I’m going to get cross. Put the rest of the books back in your toy chest. We are only reading one tonight.”

“NOOOoooo,” she whined.

“Pick the one you want, or you won’t get a bedtime story at all,” he warned, bending down and easing a couple of the books out of her grasp. She glared up at him and stamped her foot in response.

“What’s all this about, ginger ninja?”

Eloise threw the remaining books to the floor and stormed over to her bed where she proceeded to bury herself under the covers with a dramatic huff. Benedict glanced down at the assortment of children’s books in his hands - several large floppy paperbacks and one beautifully illustrated hardback – all with one overriding theme in common. He realised what this particular strop was all about and sighed as he padded over and perched on the edge of the small bed. Eloise pouted and shut her eyes firmly, rolling away from her father as he tucked her duvet around her. He bent down and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

"And I don't get a kiss goodnight?" he asked, a little hurt at her refusal to return his affection. Eloise's infant tantrums had begun to subside into stubborn sulks; something Benedict in particular was struggling to adjust to.

She shook her head, her face still burrowed in the pillow.

“Darling, we can’t have a puppy because Mummy and Henry are allergic to them. I know how much you want one, but I’m afraid we’re not getting a dog.”

Ellie’s latest obsession was the idea of getting a pet, and the way she’d persisted with it you’d think her life depended on it. He hated saying no to her but knew that it would be impossible to entertain the idea of a dog – Milly was severely allergic and it already seemed like his 4 month old son had inherited his mother’s atopic sensitivities, having developed patches of eczema in response to even the mildest of laundry detergents. He ran a hand wearily through his hair as he gazed down at Eloise.

"OK then, night night Ellie-belly. I love you," he said quietly before heading toward the door. He'd just flipped the lightswitch off when a small voice came through the darkness.

"Daddy, come back?"

He smiled, knowing she'd relent. He made his way back toward her bedside by the light from the hallway. It was enough to make out the slightly cheeky grin on her face; she was definitely figuring out how to get the better of him.

"Daaaaddy?" she wheedled, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around him as he crouched next to her.

"Yes, Eloise?" Ben grinned, unable to resist her charms.

"If we can't have a puppy, can we get a pony?"

He burst out laughing at this, almost impressed at her determination even at the tender age of three. As a baby aspects of her future personality had shone through, but as she grew up certain traits were really beginning to show themselves. On reflection, Ben wasn't actually at all surprised at how tenacious Ellie was - after all, neither of her parents were ones to drop a point lightly.

Milestones - Benedict Cumberbatch (Daddybatch Fluff!)Where stories live. Discover now