The Kiss

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*Louis POV*

Something seemed to be up with all the boys. Liam and Zayn keep going off together, Harry wont look at me....or touch me. (The only one not acting different is Niall) Have I done something to Harry? Why are the acting like this.

It had been a few weeks since Eleanor moved and I had told all the boys and they where all there for me but then suddenly Harry started acting wierd with me. Ok I am going to talk to him about this.

"Harry can I ask you something?" It was only me and him in his room. Zayn and Liam had gone off somewhere and Niall was out getting food

"Ummm...yeah what is it?" Harry said not looking up from the laptop

"Have I done something?"

"No why do you say that"

"Well you have bee acting very distant with me lately" When I said that he looked up from the laptop at last.

"I'm sorry's not your fault it's just...." Harry said trailing off

"Just what?!? Tell me Harry please" I said in a very pleading voice.

"Ok well...."

*Harrys POV*

It was time to tell him he thinks he has done something wrong and thats why I have been keeping my distance from him. I have to its not fair on him.

"Just what?!? Tell me Harry please" I could tell from Louis voice he wouldn't stop asking until he found out the truth.

"Ok well...." Was I ready to tell him? I don't think I was but when I looked at him I knew I had to. "Well...ummm the reason I have been distant to you is cause.....I......I.....I love you!" He didn't say anything he was just stairing at me.

What I did next. I don't know why I did it. I just did. I guess I didn't want him to reply. I kissed him! At first he didn't do anything but then he kissed back.

"I'm home guys....Guess wha...." Me and Louis stopped kissing and looked up and so Niall just stairing at us. He was just stairing at us. Not blinking or anything. I didn't think he would mind if we where gay I thought he would be cool with it.

"I...I need to go." He said and ran out of the house slamming the door.
*Nialls POV*

"I'm home guys" I shouted when I walked into the house with our food and also some DVD's I decided to buy them as a supprise for the boys

"Guess wha..." I walked into the living room where Harry and Louis where....they weren't just sitting there watching TV or whatever they were kissing! They both stopped kissing and look at me. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at Louis. His beautiful eyes, his beautiful face, his beautiful hair, his beautiful lips....that kissed Harry....that I would never kiss. Yeah they do kiss for the fans but only on the cheek in a friendly way I don't mind that much but that was more than a friends kiss.

"I....I need to go" I said running out of the house. I didn't know where I was going I just had to get away from them. I put my hood up so no-one knew it was me (or hopefully didn't) by now I was crying so much everything was getting blurry but honestly I didn't care.

"NIALL!!!!" I heard someone scream. I turned round to see who was shouting me. It was Liam. Then I reliesed why he was screaming. I was in the middle of the road. A lorry was driving straight at me.

I felt something hit me and then everything went black


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